2Quick - New (first) game released!

Hi folks, I have recently had my first Corona SDK game ‘2Quick’ released on the Amazon, Apple & Google app stores. The games works on both phones and tablet devices.
The idea behind 2Quick was to create an addictive fun game which also incorporated smiley faces to help promote ones inner feel good factor, i.e. Mood booster! (So the physcology experts say!).
Thanks to Rob Miracle for his great tutorials, they sure helped accelerate things and boost my mood! :wink:

Here are the links:

Apple - https://appsto.re/gb/QLSK9.i
Amazon - http://www.amazon.co.uk/WebApps-Software-Solutions-Ltd-2Quick/dp/B015AIDKB2
Google - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.webapps.twoquick

YouTube demo - http://youtu.be/yQWeNAUC6TQ
