Help please…
Starting to pull my hair out and just needing a quick sanity check. I bet plenty of others may be struggling with this too… Might be missing something basic but I have had my coffee today
CLOUD.LUA Library/demo
I am using the current GIT cloud.lua as my test bed and adding, removing, getting friends, chatrooms etc. and all appears to work when checking the console logs.
Be aware there is a bug in cloud.lua (current git).
**line 1552 function friends.remove
here is a bug in the friend.remove —> its passing user_id and not friend_id
gameNetwork_sample.lua library/demo
When I go into the gameNetwork_sample (current git).
there is a bug in the friend.remove —> its passing user_id and not friend_id
it cant/see and wont return the multiple friends that exist, even though I can bring them up with the cloud.lua
I know that they are different libraries but I am not getting any errors etc. and dont see why one works and the other doesnt…
Am I doing something stooopid?