A case for Tapjoy or any other cheap reliable burst install api.

Sadly Corona is not my only game developing tool. I also have some native apps and I paid for a Marmalade license. I wish I was making enough money to pay for a Corona License also.

The only way that Corona would become my only developing tool is it had something like Tapjoy. I can live without the Reward Ads and the other monetization options of Tapjoy. We have Vungle, a sort of working version of Chartboost and reward ads from AdBuzz. And soon we will have Corona Ads. 

But there is something Corona doesn’t have. I don’t have a way to get burst installs reliably and cheaply. Once you integrate the Tapjoy api you can buy installs for as little as .10 cents. They are not the best installs. Most of those people will uninstall your apps. But with a few hundred dollars you can buy yourself to near the top of the charts in a few countries.

In any case, I am willing to write the plugin.  I even would be willing to pay for a month of enterprise to test it.

You can put a request in at http://feedback.coronalabs.com or vote up an existing one there.


You can put a request in at http://feedback.coronalabs.com or vote up an existing one there.
