A Parse.com Module for Corona SDK

@yosu Hard is relative of course, but there are ways to implement both iOS and Android push without those services.  You’ll need to set up your own external server and build the scripts to talk to both Apples and Googles push servers. I’m in the midst of trying to accomplish this with a new project.

You can stay up to date on the progress here http://goo.gl/uhqv7r


So Anderoth, you have created a Parse plugin? This is very good to know. Once they get the marketplace going, I think you’d find some buyers :) 

I’m going to be on Enterprise very soon so will be joining that bandwagon. :slight_smile:



What I have done is very basic. I am not sure what constitutes a plug-in nor what is worthy of a plug-in on any marketplace.

If it were, it would be simply an Android Push Parse plug-in (say that 7 times fast). The rest of the Parse SDK I do not access in native code. Also if made into a plug-in, it would only be usable with Enterprise. Pro does not have the type of access needed to make changes in the manifest for push to work. Unsure if that will change once they get to a place where they offer plug-ins to Pro users.

Noticed a recent Parse Blog post that mentions new support for GCM via their android SDK (i.e., no more backend app necessary).  I haven’t tested functionality via their REST API yet, but might be promising for folks already using Parse:  http://blog.parse.com/2014/01/14/parse-push-adds-support-for-gcm/

@gregr thats a great catch! Thanks for posting here. Can this be the great news we’ve all been waiting for? One push solution for both IOS & Android finally? 

@gregr - Unless they have yet to update the REST API documentation, it still looks like you have to include the Parse API to generate the proper ID.  This just means that the push will now use the resources built into the Android OS instead of Parse’s own baked-in solution, which was meant to cover devices like the Kindle, etc. that don’t have GCM.  I’ll dig a little further into it though.

Thanks for looking out.


I’ve added a new tutorial for the Parse module.

Linking a User Avatar

And there are these available as well:

Setup and Analytics

User Signups and Logins

Managing Facebook Users

Updated to v1.2 to address a Facebook session issue.


I’m using DevElephant’s module in my latest project and it’s working really nicely so far. Bravo!

Thank you Jen.  A couple others are using it now as well.  Make sure you grab the latest, there was an issue with Facebook that another user pointed out.

Have a great holiday!


I’ve posted a short piece on Tracking User Scores with the Parse Module for Corona SDK

Please share if you’re so inclined.  Thanks for watching.


If I wanted to create a simple turn-based game with Corona, and use Parse’s servers to save data for a cross-platform (iOS and Android) multiplayer, does your code/tutorials allow for this?

I watched your video on tracking users scores (very good btw), but will this work with an opponent(s) score also?

If not, then do you know if Parse allows for turn-based, cross-platform game?


This looks great! Thanks for the module. I am wondering if I could use this to enable/disable ads remotely? Would this be “easy” to do with Parse? Thanks again. Mo

@scottshaw3d The mod_parse module provides the tools, so you’ll still need to create the framework.  You would need to incorporate some cloud code to make it work best.  Since I prefer Lua over Javascript, as well as not being able to currently do Android push, I’m not sure if I will do a tutorial on that.

@Mo Would you be wanting to disable ads per user or globally?  Both are possible, but one requires a little more work than the other.


I followed the Avatar tutorial and keep receiving an error:

Runtime error: mod_parse.lua:348: type ‘function’ is not supported by JSON

The function in the mod_parse.lua that the error line is on is:

function Parse:buildRequestParams( withDataTable, masterKey )
  local postData = json.encode( withDataTable )

  return self:newRequestParams( postData, masterKey ) --for use in a network request


I printed the fileObjId and it comes out to a really long string:


The Parse side saves the userID, username and the password but the avatar is still undefined.

I do have the image in the Resource Directory also.

Thanks for the quick response on the last comment btw.

Thanks scottshaw3d, I’ll take a look. You can file bug reports here as well: https://bitbucket.org/develephant/mod_parse/issues/new


Figured it out… Now you also need the fileObjURL in parse:linkFile… not shown in the video.

fileObjId = event.response.name

fileObjURL = event.response.url

print( userObjId )

print( fileObjId )

print( fileObjURL )

local function onFileLinked( event )
    if not event.error then
         print( “Yeah” )


parse:linkFile( parse.USER, userObjId, “avatar”, fileObjId, fileObjURL, onFileLinked )

@scottshaw3d Yes, that was just recently updated in the latest version.


I guess I need to update the video as well.  Thanks for pointing that out.  My apologies for the confusion.



Thanks! It will be disable/enabling ads globally. Basically I want to be able to release paid apps with ads embedded (but turned off in the ad dashboard) Then later I want to set the app free (so to get a spike in DL) At that time, of course I will turn the ad ON (from the ad network dashboard) so people who downloaded the app for free are shown  ads. BUT of course in this case the people who paid for the app will be shown ad also which is a NO NO!

Not sure I make any sense!


Hi everyone - this looks really interesting. I’m trying to get my head around Parse so forgive the noob question.

I’m looking to add three things to my app

  1. Push notifications (both iOS & Android)

  2. Cloud file storage (both iOS & Android)

  3. Could code (both iOS & Android)

It sounds like right now I could use ParseMod for 2 & 3, but not 1. Is that right?

I may be better off using something like PushWoosh right now for 1 (cross-platform push notifications).

It also sounds like I could use Parse for analytics if I wanted to switch from Flurry (or in addition to Flurry)?

