A quick question about radar system

Things that could be happening:

  • M.new() called before M.createLevel()
  • M.new() called after deleting the hud
  • You may have incorrectly modified the module.

Try this:

function M.createLevel(radarGroup, group, numOfAsteroids)
local masterM = require “levels-management.moduleaccessor”

local player = masterM.ship.new(group)
masterM.asteroids.new(group, numOfAsteroids)
masterM.enemyHUD.create(radarGroup, nil, nil, 45, display.contentHeight * 1.5)

local hud = masterM.enemyHUD.getHUD()
print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HUD = ", hud)

return M

Then look in the console to see what the message says


Other than that, you need to add more messages to your code to debug what is going on,




You need to get someone (a mentor?) to help you hands on with your whole project. 


It is hard to get a complete view of what you’re doing from just the code you posted.

Is this a transcript of an email or a PM?

Also, I can’t find the actual question here.

BTW, the way those green bits are phrased seem familiar. :slight_smile:

Please add a question to this post and we’ll see if someone has an answer. 

I knew this seemed familiar: https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/70741-how-would-you-make-a-radar-system/

Please link back to prior posts if you’re quoting them.   :)

This isn’t _ sdktester15 _ is it?

Is this a transcript of an email or a PM?

Also, I can’t find the actual question here.

BTW, the way those green bits are phrased seem familiar. :slight_smile:

Please add a question to this post and we’ll see if someone has an answer. 

I knew this seemed familiar: https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/70741-how-would-you-make-a-radar-system/

Please link back to prior posts if you’re quoting them.   :)

This isn’t _ sdktester15 _ is it?