sorry, i try to fix codes. but not success.
the detail codes in below. thanks for your help.
---------------------- -- BEGIN SAMPLE CODE ---------------------- -- Require libraries/plugins local widget = require( "widget" ) -- Set app font local appFont = sampleUI.appFont -- Set local variables local timeDelay = 5 -- 1/10th of a second ( 1000 milliseconds / 10 = 100 ) local timerIterations = 60000 -- Set the timer limit to 60 seconds ( 600 \* 0.1 = 60 ) local runMode = "stopped" local startTime = 0 local pausedAt = 0 -- Forward references local timerText, pauseResumeButton, cancelButton, recordButton, timerID, recordText -- Called when the app's view has been resized (orientation changed) local function onResize( event ) pauseResumeButton.x = display.contentCenterX pauseResumeButton.y = display.contentHeight - 100 cancelButton.x = display.contentCenterX cancelButton.y = display.contentHeight - 50 timerText.x = display.contentCenterX - 15 end Runtime:addEventListener( "resize", onResize ) -- Button handler function local buttonHandler = function( event ) if ( == "pauseResume" ) then if ( runMode == "running" ) then runMode = "paused" pauseResumeButton:setLabel( "Resume" ) pausedAt = event.time timer.pause( timerID ) elseif( runMode == "paused" ) then runMode = "running" pauseResumeButton:setLabel( "Pause" ) timer.resume( timerID ) elseif( runMode == "stopped" ) then runMode = "running" pauseResumeButton:setLabel( "Pause" ) timerText.text = "0.000" timerID = timer.performWithDelay( timeDelay, timerText, timerIterations ) startTime = 0 pausedAt = 0 end elseif ( == "cancel" ) then runMode = "stopped" pauseResumeButton:setLabel( "Start" ) timerText.text = "0.000" if ( timerID ) then timer.cancel( timerID ) timerID = nil end startTime = 0 pausedAt = 0 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- record button function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( == "record" ) then if ( runMode == "record" ) then Record1Button:setlabel(event.time) -- it's a widget and to edit the text you to use this line timerText = event.time --Record1Button.text = recordtime --recordtime = event.time timer.record( timerID ) timerID = event.time end end end -- Create buttons pauseResumeButton = widget.newButton( { id = "pauseResume", label = "Start", x = display.contentCenterX, y = display.contentHeight - 100, width = 160, height = 32, font = appFont, fontSize = 16, shape = "rectangle", fillColor = { default={ 0.9,0.37,0.05,1 }, over={ 0.945,0.386,0.053,1 } }, labelColor = { default={ 1,1,1,1 }, over={ 1,1,1,1 } }, onRelease = buttonHandler }) mainGroup:insert( pauseResumeButton ) cancelButton = widget.newButton( { id = "cancel", label = "Cancel", x = display.contentCenterX, y = display.contentHeight - 50, width = 160, height = 32, font = appFont, fontSize = 16, shape = "rectangle", fillColor = { default={ 0.55,0.125,0.125,1 }, over={ 0.66,0.15,0.15,1 } }, labelColor = { default={ 1,1,1,1 }, over={ 1,1,1,1 } }, onRelease = buttonHandler }) mainGroup:insert( cancelButton ) recordButton = widget.newButton( { id = "recordButton", label = "Record", x = display.contentCenterX , y = display.contentHeight - 150, width = 160, height = 32, font = appFont, fontSize = 16, shape = "rectangle", fillColor = { default={ 0.4,0.8,0.125,1 }, over={ 0.66,0.15,0.15,1 } }, labelColor = { default={ 1,1,1,1 }, over={ 1,1,1,1 } }, onRelease = buttonHandler }) mainGroup:insert( recordButton ) record1Button = widget.newButton( { id = "recordButton", label = "record1", x = display.contentCenterX - 80, y = display.contentHeight - 250, width = 70, height = 32, font = appFont, fontSize = 16, shape = "rectangle", fillColor = { default={ 0.55,0.8,0.125,1 }, over={ 0.66,0.15,0.15,1 } }, labelColor = { default={ 1,1,1,1 }, over={ 1,1,1,1 } }, onRelease = buttonHandler }) mainGroup:insert( recordButton ) record2Button = widget.newButton( { id = "recordButton", label = "record2", x = display.contentCenterX , y = display.contentHeight - 250, width = 70, height = 32, font = appFont, fontSize = 16, shape = "rectangle", fillColor = { default={ 0.55,0.8,0.125,1 }, over={ 0.66,1,1,1 } }, labelColor = { default={ 1,1,1,1 }, over={ 1,1,1,1 } }, onRelease = buttonHandler }) mainGroup:insert( recordButton ) record3Button = widget.newButton( { id = "recordButton", label = "record3", x = display.contentCenterX +80 , y = display.contentHeight - 250, width = 70, height = 32, font = appFont, fontSize = 16, shape = "rectangle", fillColor = { default={ 0.55,0.8,0.125,1 }, over={ 0.66,0.15,0.15,1 } }, labelColor = { default={ 1,1,1,1 }, over={ 1,1,1,1 } }, onRelease = buttonHandler }) mainGroup:insert( recordButton ) -- In order for the right-aligned timer to display nicely, we need a font that has monospaced digits -- Usually this is the system font and we can detect it by measuring the relative widths of the "1" and "2" characters local bestFontForDevice = nil local testText = display.newText( { x=-1000, y=-1000, text="1", font=native.systemFontBold, fontSize=16 } ) local width1 = testText.width testText.text = "2" local width2 = testText.width display.remove( testText ) if ( width2 \> width1 ) then -- The system font doesn't have monospaced digits, so use a font known to have them bestFontForDevice = ( system.getInfo("platform") == "win32" and "Courier New" or "Helvetica Neue" ) else -- The system font has monospaced digits bestFontForDevice = native.systemFontBold end -- Create timer text object timerText = display.newText( { parent=mainGroup, text="0.000", x=display.contentCenterX-15, y=105, width=310, font=bestFontForDevice, fontSize=60, align="right" }) timerText:setFillColor( 0,0.5,1 ) -- Timer function function timerText:timer( event ) if ( startTime == 0 ) then startTime = event.time end if ( pausedAt \> 0 ) then startTime = startTime + ( event.time - pausedAt ) recordtime = startTime + ( event.time - pausedAt ) pausedAt = 0 end self.text = string.format( "%.3f", (event.time - startTime)/1000 ) if ( ( event.time - startTime ) \>= ( timerIterations \* timeDelay ) ) then print( "Resetting timer..." ) buttonHandler( { target={ id="cancel" } } ) end end