about admob

Hi, This is my first time adding ads in my game

I have created an admob account and what should i exactly code in build.setting to show the ads in simulator?

should i just follow this http://docs.coronalabs.com/plugin/ads-admob-v2/init.html

or anything else?

Thanks for your time.

Ads will not show in the simulator.  You have to test it on device.

The code needed to put in your build.settings.  See:  http://docs.coronalabs.com/plugin/ads-admob-v2/index.html


Thanks Rob

Should i follow your post, and change it to my id?


Well you could, but isn’t the purpose to work ads into your existing project?  if you take the sample code from the documentation, and just sub out your ID, you’re going to have an app that shows ads and does nothing more. 

You’re better off trying to figure out what the same code does.  What functions are called?  What does the code in the provided functions do?  When you understand it, you integrate it into your existing project.

What ever works best for you to learn what you’re doing.


I tried and understand more about the code. Thanks alot

In the meantime, I have set up my admob acc, and couldn’t find the banking information that i needed to fill in?

Where can i find it? 

Or they will send you a letter to confirm the bank information?

( Also, my admob acc has estimated earning. is that supposed to mean I’m earning money by now?)

Im sorry having a lot questions, but this is my first time earning money in my entire life

Thanks for all your time

I never got a confirmation about banking information.  I think you have to setup an account with Google Wallet.  Your best bet is to use Google and search for your questions. Your AdMob banking setup is not something we can really help with.


Ads will not show in the simulator.  You have to test it on device.

The code needed to put in your build.settings.  See:  http://docs.coronalabs.com/plugin/ads-admob-v2/index.html


Thanks Rob

Should i follow your post, and change it to my id?


Well you could, but isn’t the purpose to work ads into your existing project?  if you take the sample code from the documentation, and just sub out your ID, you’re going to have an app that shows ads and does nothing more. 

You’re better off trying to figure out what the same code does.  What functions are called?  What does the code in the provided functions do?  When you understand it, you integrate it into your existing project.

What ever works best for you to learn what you’re doing.


I tried and understand more about the code. Thanks alot

In the meantime, I have set up my admob acc, and couldn’t find the banking information that i needed to fill in?

Where can i find it? 

Or they will send you a letter to confirm the bank information?

( Also, my admob acc has estimated earning. is that supposed to mean I’m earning money by now?)

Im sorry having a lot questions, but this is my first time earning money in my entire life

Thanks for all your time

I never got a confirmation about banking information.  I think you have to setup an account with Google Wallet.  Your best bet is to use Google and search for your questions. Your AdMob banking setup is not something we can really help with.
