Corona Enterprise for Android doesn’t use the “build.settings” file. That file is for Corona Simulator builds. You are expected to edit the AndroidManifest.xml,, and other Android project files yourself according to Google’s developer documentation.
Regarding plugins, you’ll need to add their libraries to your project yourself. First, you’ll need to download our Corona plugins from our “Daily Builds”, which is listed under the “Corona Enterprise” tab. You should download the plugins package matching the version of Corona Enterprise that you’re using…
You would then copy the plugin’s *.jar files to your project’s “libs” directory.
If the plugin uses *.so files, then those get copied to your project’s “libs/armeabi-v7a” directory.
If the plugin has a “res” directory, then copy those resources (while maintaining the subdirectory hierarchy) under your project’s “res” directory.
If the plugin includes a “metadata.lua”, then open it. If it requires Android permissions then you’ll need to add them to your AndroidManifest.xml file youself according to Google’s documentation. If it contains content under the “applicationChildElements” section, then that will need to be copy and pasted inside of your <application> tag within the AndroidManifest.xml file.
If you are new to native Android development, then I suggest you learn to use Google’s Android SDK development tools first by attempting to build Google’s sample project. That will help you get familiarized with how to work in the native Android development environment. It’ll also make the above plugin handling much clearer to you as well. Here are some links to help you get started…