Accelerometer Sample Code problem

Hi there,

I want to create a simple object movement with Corona.

I found that the Accelerometer Sample Code is very helpful (SampleCode/Hardware/Accelerometer), so I follow the sample code’s code to move my object.

and here is the movement code, from the sample code

Circle.x = centerX + (centerX * event.xGravity)
Circle.y = centerY + (centerY * event.yGravity * -1)

But I got a problem, even in the sample code, the ball is impossible to reach the bottom corner of the screen (both bottom left and bottom right)…

The problem occurs because when I’m trying to rotate my device by X-Axis direction, the Y-Axis is also moving slowly.

Anybody can help me with this? how can I reach the corner of the screen?

Thx a alot in advance!

@corona crew? any suggestion?

Thx, :slight_smile:

@corona crew? any suggestion?

Thx, :slight_smile: