Hi all,
I’m trying to use the Activity Popup to share a text via Whatsapp and I’m having a problem that though apparently small really makes my life difficult.
What happens is that the “string” I’m sharing contains new lines characters which are not present in the message that gets through the activity popup on Whatsapp.
For example it the string is “Here’s my shopping list:\n2kg bread\n7 nutella jars\n4 apples” I want to get:
Here’s my shopping list:
2kg bread
7 nutella jars
4 apples
instead I get:
Here’s my shopping list: 2kg bread 7 nutella jars 4 apples
Curiously this doesn’t happen if I choose another activity, like Messages or E-mail and the string gets through correctly.
It is also worth mentioning that if I use the Whatsapp Activity Popup from another app (eg from Notes) shared messages do get to Whatsapp with new lines in the correct place, so apparently it is not a limitation of the Whatsapp extension.
Is there any workaround to this or a special way to encode new lines for this purpose?
Thanks in advance for any help!