I have a build I did on July 9, and I was able to share URLs via email, text message, facebook, etc, using the Activity Popup ( https://docs.coronalabs.com/plugin/CoronaProvider_native_popup_activity/showPopup.html )..)
Then, my next build was July 13, and that’s when the URL stopped being passed. I’ve scoured my code and tried to understand what has happened, but I don’t see any changes on my end that would cause it. I’m not going to say it’s *not* something I’ve done – I just can’t figure out what it could possibly be. I’ve been troubleshooting all day, and I just can’t seem to figure it out.
I feel like something has happened to break it, or there is a “gotcha” that I’m not aware of…
Either I changed something to break it,
or Corona changed something to break it,
or Apple changed something with how sharing URLs work in the Activity Popup or permissions or something,
or some other 4th thing I’m not aware of.
I was on Daily Build 2675, and today I got 2684, and it’s still the same. I went back to 2669, and it’s also still broken, so going to an earlier corona build (back when it was working) did not fix it.
After some more troubleshooting on the device itself, connected up to XCode, I see this error when I try to share:
<Warning>: WARNING: [options.items] The item type(url) at index(2) is not supported.
This is the relevant code that hasn’t changed:
local items = { { type = "string", value = shareText }, { type = "url", value = productWebLink }, { type = "image", value = shareImage } } native.showPopup( popupName, { items = items, origin = btnOthers.contentBounds, permittedArrowDirections = { "up", "down" } })
Any ideas?
I’ve been looking here to try to understand if anything changed, but the documentation still shows that you can pass in a NSUrl to everything I’m interested in sharing to.