Actual GPGS documentation, any idea when?

Was excited to see that IOS integration had finally been added to gpgs, unfortunately, it’s virtually impossible to implement correctly since the documentation is so scarce, only mentioning the functions, events, types but not how to actually use them in our lua code.

Any ideas when some more detailed documentation will be completed for gpgs?

Hi @jacques1,

We understand this, but our first and foremost priority is getting iOS functionality built out for GPGS so that developers can begin building out cross-platform functionality. Once that happens, we’ll go back through and start putting in some examples, and quite possibly sample projects which you can inspect and pick apart for your apps. Hopefully this makes sense, priority-wise.


Hi Brent,

please could u tell me if all of you are working with gpgs.snapshots ? Because it doesn’t work when I want getSnapshot inside open and this function one week ago worked perfectly.

It’s good the priority for iOS, but if doesn’t work in Android should be another priority.


jgaldeanol, hi. Snapshots API has been simplified a bit, now you get a snapshot instance without getSnapshot() function. You get it directly inside the open event.{ filename = filename, create = true, listener = function(event) print('Open event:', json.prettify(event)) local snapshot = event.snapshot -- Actual snapshot object end })

There is going to be a detailed sample on how to use Snapshots soon.

Hi Lerg,

now it works perfectly again.

Don’t forget that in u have to return the snapshot as well, and not the old

Thanks mate

Still no proper documention for gpgs? I would think that showing the proper code formats for loading leadboards, local player rank, etc would be more important then these snapshots.

Let me check on it.

Hi @jacques1,

We understand this, but our first and foremost priority is getting iOS functionality built out for GPGS so that developers can begin building out cross-platform functionality. Once that happens, we’ll go back through and start putting in some examples, and quite possibly sample projects which you can inspect and pick apart for your apps. Hopefully this makes sense, priority-wise.


Hi Brent,

please could u tell me if all of you are working with gpgs.snapshots ? Because it doesn’t work when I want getSnapshot inside open and this function one week ago worked perfectly.

It’s good the priority for iOS, but if doesn’t work in Android should be another priority.


jgaldeanol, hi. Snapshots API has been simplified a bit, now you get a snapshot instance without getSnapshot() function. You get it directly inside the open event.{ filename = filename, create = true, listener = function(event) print('Open event:', json.prettify(event)) local snapshot = event.snapshot -- Actual snapshot object end })

There is going to be a detailed sample on how to use Snapshots soon.

Hi Lerg,

now it works perfectly again.

Don’t forget that in u have to return the snapshot as well, and not the old

Thanks mate

Still no proper documention for gpgs? I would think that showing the proper code formats for loading leadboards, local player rank, etc would be more important then these snapshots.

Let me check on it.