ADDEVENTLISTENER - listener is nil

I’m getting an error when adding an Event Listener. the error occurs on the last line of the following code:


Nov 17 06:27:21.976: Runtime error

addEventListener: listener cannot be nil: nil



txtData_new= native.newTextField( rectData.x,txtLabel_new.y+1,rectData.width,var.fontSizeToUse * textFieldSizeCorrectForApple())

txtData_new.placeholder = “(new Category)”


txtData_new.background = {unpack(var.displayObjectSettings.setFillColorBkgData)}

txtData_new.height = var.displayObjectSettings.height

txtData_new:setTextColor (unpack(var.colorBLACK))

txtData_new.font = native.newFont( native.systemFont, var.fontSizeToUse )

txtData_new.strokeWidth = 0


– listeners

txtData_new:addEventListener( “userInput”, textListener )

The above is generic code that runs exactly as above in three other .lua files, none of which generates this error.

The error occurs in the CS even when I start fresh, ie, it’s virtually the first screen I encounter. i’ve re-pasted the code from the .lua files which work fine - but still the error persists. there does not appear to be an typos.

What can be possible issues that causes textListener to become nil?

thanks very much.


Did you ever define a textListener() function? If that’s all the code you have, it will return as nil.

Tom, that was it. I overlooked adding the textListener( event ) function to this .lua file, whereas my “good” examples all had it.

My bad. thanks for the advice.


Did you ever define a textListener() function? If that’s all the code you have, it will return as nil.

Tom, that was it. I overlooked adding the textListener( event ) function to this .lua file, whereas my “good” examples all had it.

My bad. thanks for the advice.
