Hello Graham and fellow beta testers,
I am trying to figure out the best way to organize my program to include a controllable character.
Should my character sprites by included in a separate layer in tiled?
How can I act on bodies once they have been loaded into lime? Say for example, if I wanted to make one of the boxes in tutorial 3 jump when I tapped the screen. Would I give that tile a special name in the properties, then every time I wanted it to jump, I would loop through all the tiles to see which tiles had that property and then do something like this to the tile or body:
jumpingTile:applyLinearImpulse(0, -.3, jumpingTile.x, jumpingTile.y)
Also, I’ve been able to add a sprite w/a dynamic physics body to the end of tutorial 7 (just using physics.addBody to the scene. For what ever reason this new sprite will collide with the static platforms but not the falling tiles.
Anybody have any ideas or sample code I can look at while I try and figure things out/wait for the next tutorial.
Thanks in Advance,
[import]uid: 12267 topic_id: 4487 reply_id: 304487[/import]