Adding other display groups to the Scene's display group

I have created my own display group of images and vectors. I created this display group inside of one of my scene’s in storyboard. The objects inside of my display group have been inserted into my display group. And now, I need to add that group as a whole, to the scene’s display group.

If you can help, I’d greatly appreciate it.


  local myGroup = display.newGroup() -- insert some stuff   group:insert(myGroup)  -- could be sceenGroup or screenGroup depending on the template you're using

Ok ! Thank you, I knew this, and I tried it at first, but here is what went down.

I made a display group of my own, that only would have existed under a certain condition, inside an if -statement. Well, 5 chances out of 6, in the game that I am creating, that condition would not have been fulfilled. Therefore, the display group was never created to begin with.

My error comes in, when I include that display group into the scene’s display group OUTSIDE OF THE IF ELSEIF CHAIN. In that situation, the group that I created was being inserted into the scene’s group regardless of whether or not it was even created to begin with internally!!

Thank you.

Silly me.


  local myGroup = display.newGroup() -- insert some stuff   group:insert(myGroup)  -- could be sceenGroup or screenGroup depending on the template you're using

Ok ! Thank you, I knew this, and I tried it at first, but here is what went down.

I made a display group of my own, that only would have existed under a certain condition, inside an if -statement. Well, 5 chances out of 6, in the game that I am creating, that condition would not have been fulfilled. Therefore, the display group was never created to begin with.

My error comes in, when I include that display group into the scene’s display group OUTSIDE OF THE IF ELSEIF CHAIN. In that situation, the group that I created was being inserted into the scene’s group regardless of whether or not it was even created to begin with internally!!

Thank you.

Silly me.
