When I connect a device to my iPhone Personal Hotspot, the status bar becomes bigger.
In the test screen I put a Map and Texts
1- If the app is already open and I connect a device to the Hotspot. The text is adjusted to the new screen heigh and the Map moves down. So there is an offset between the map and the text. Also a piece of map move out of screen
2- If I connect the Hotspot first and then I open the app. The screen is shifted down and there is a gap between status bar and the text displayed at the top of the app. When I close the Hotspot the screen moves up but the gap remains, also the Map height is smaller than it should be.
I am using iPhone 6s (iOS 9) and Corona 2016.2906 for testing.
How can I handle this two problems?
First case:
1a - App normal screen
1b- I connect a device to the personal hotspot while the app is open
Second case:
2a- First I connect a device to the personal hotspot after that I open the app
2b- I disconnect device to the personal hotspot
local topTitle = display.newText(“Top Top Top Top Top Top”, display.contentCenterX, display.screenOriginY + display.topStatusBarContentHeight + 15 , native.systemFontBold, 30)
local midTitle = display.newText(“Half Half Half Half Half”, display.contentCenterX, display.screenOriginY + display.viewableContentHeight/2 , native.systemFontBold, 30)
local downTitle = display.newText(“Down Down Down Down”, display.contentCenterX, display.screenOriginY + display.viewableContentHeight - 15 , native.systemFontBold, 30)
local myMap = native.newMapView( display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY + display.topStatusBarContentHeight/2 , display.viewableContentWidth/2, display.viewableContentHeight - display.topStatusBarContentHeight )
content =
width =360,
height = 640,
scale = “zoomEven”, --letterbox --zoomEven --zoomStretch --none
Excuse my bad English.