Admob ad types help!

Hello everyone,

I need some help please to determine what type of ad is this one I found in an existing code:

“adv_rect_id” is this and Admob native ad? because it’s not a banner nor interstitial.

Thank you in advance

Thats not an admob id.

adMob ids generally look like this: “ca-app-pub-############/###”

Yes thank you…

“adv_rect_id” this was a name of the class or something, and it has this “ca-app-pub-############/###” in front of it…

After some testing it turns out that was a Native ad type.

Regards :slight_smile:

Thats not an admob id.

adMob ids generally look like this: “ca-app-pub-############/###”

Yes thank you…

“adv_rect_id” this was a name of the class or something, and it has this “ca-app-pub-############/###” in front of it…

After some testing it turns out that was a Native ad type.

Regards :slight_smile: