AdMob ads.height reporting incorrect values in ADAPTIVE mode

Hi guys,

when i switch from ‘letterbox’ to ‘adaptive’ (config.lua), the ads.height value returned for tablet (tested on Nexus 7 and N70) seems to be incorrect. I need to add in a factor of 1.7 (see sample code) to get the correct ads.height

Running Win simulator 2014.2482

Anyone facing the same problem, or is there something else i need to do when changing from ‘letterbox’ to ‘adaptive’ ?

local adHeight = ads.height() if isTablet == true then   adHeight = adHeight \* 1.7 -- iPad will need a factor of '2.0' end

Hi @yosu,

Can you please file a bug report showing this issue so we can track and investigate it?



Hi @yosu,

Can you please file a bug report showing this issue so we can track and investigate it?

