Admob Banner Ad AdView and Revenue Measurement Question.

In my app, text will be visible for approx. 10 seconds then it will change. Along with the text, a banner ad will also be shown in the bottom of the screen. When the text is changed, if I make a banner ad load again, will it be counted as another adview ?
I am not changing scenes, but changing the text shown, and loading a banner ad again in the same scene.
myText.text = “updated text”
local admob = require ( "plugin.admob" ) – doing it again

-- AdMob listener function

local function adListener( event )

if ( event.phase == "init" ) then -- Successful initialization

-- Load an AdMob banner ad

admob. load ( "banner" , { adUnitId= "YOUR_ADMOB_AD_UNIT_ID" } )



-- Initialize the AdMob plugin

admob.init( adListener, { appId= "YOUR_ADMOB_APP_ID" } )

-- Sometime later, show the bannerl ad

if ( admob.isLoaded( "banner" ) ) then "banner" )


Thanks a ton!

Why does this matter?

If a new ad is shown, I will get more ad views. Else if no other ad is loaded, I will get lesser ad views.

Admob does not pay per impression. So you can show them every 1/100 of a second if you want and can get that fill, but that does not translate into more revenue. Now if you want to inflate your ad views for other purposes that I can understand.

Thank you, but don’t CPM ads pay per 1000 impressions ? Also, each ad will be visible for approx. 10 seconds.

But Admob does not pay per CPM. There are very few ad providers that pay that way anymore. I believe they pay by a combination of clicks and actions. The faster you show ads the less likely somebody is going to click or perform an action on that ad. Admob specifically encourages you to use the “auto-refresh” because they believe they can increase your revenue by varying the refresh length to encourage more interactions. In my testing on my apps going from 30 seconds down to 15 seconds more than halves my eCPM.

Admob does pay CPM but only by private agreement and certainly not available to most games/apps. Brand awareness campaigns run as CPM.