admob banner not showing

admob banner was not showing but the instertitials was working fine. I was using admob-v2

here’s my code


  1. local ads = require “ads”
  2. local banner_id = “ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx”
  3. local function adListener( event )
  4.     if ( event.isError ) then
  5.          native.showAlert(“Admob”,event.isError , {“OK”})
  6.     end
  7. end
  8. endads.init(“admob”, banner_id , adListener )
  9.“banner”, {x=0,y=display.contentHeight-70,testMode = false} )

also I tried it in test mode and it was working fine to but if testmode was false, no banner ads was not working.

any problems? app was not yet publish.

You might want to print out the event.response value in your listener.  You could simply be hitting a low fill rate issue.    Also someone else had problems when specifying the location and when they changed their x and y, it started showing up.

If you want it at the bottom of the screen, set y = 10000  or so, something way off screen.

You might want to print out the event.response value in your listener.  You could simply be hitting a low fill rate issue.    Also someone else had problems when specifying the location and when they changed their x and y, it started showing up.

If you want it at the bottom of the screen, set y = 10000  or so, something way off screen.