right here is the code , nothing else in main.lua, no external libs , nothing.
Why when the banner ad is loaded does it return a “shown” phase triggered in the adlistener ???
ads = require"ads"
local provider = “admob”
local appID = “ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxx51” --banner
local appID2 = “ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxx59” – interstitial
function adListener(event)
if event.phase == “shown” then
print("…>> ads shown<<…")
adX = display.screenOriginX
adY = display.screenOriginY +100000
ads.init(provider, appID2, adListener) – no difference init ing either appID
ads.show(“banner”, { x = adX, y = adY, appId =“ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxx51” })[/lua]