I just uploaded a game to google play and added it to the designed for families.
I have included the ads google play services plugin to my build settings and called the ads with the targeting options below.
Yet google sent me a email saying “The ad content in your app does not conform with Designed for Families eligibility requirements.” and a screenshot of an ad showing in my app of a Russian dating site
Please let me know if the child directed tag is actually getting included once built or if there is some problem here?
local ads = require( "ads" ) local myAppId = "###############" -- Replaced this local function adListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then -- Failed to receive an ad end end ads.init( "admob", "myAppId", adListener ) -- Optional table containing targeting parameters local targetingParams = { tagForChildDirectedTreatment = true } ads.show( "banner", { x=0, y=0, targetingOptions=targetingParams, appId="myAppId" } )