Admob integration, what's my app id?

Something’s not right.  I just downloaded it, didn’t change a thing and it built. Of course I can’t run it because I didn’t change any AppID’s, but you’re getting this error during build right?

What version of Corona SDK are you running?

Can you post the build.settings?

yes, at first i use with 2013.1202 version to build, it error

then i change to 2014.2189 version but also the same error occur with those message above

I use the same code and build with android, it working fine and show ads successful on android device, but during the built for IOS I always got those error above!

What if we are looking for loading a banner ad during a scene AND a exit interstitial ad at the exit of scene ? do I need to call ad.init twice in same file with different IDs ?

(note that this is for the new admob , old admob it was clear. new admob has IDs for each “banner” or “intersitial” )

@lonly_son, Engineering things this is the result of a faulty Xcode install on your computer.  Please verify you’re point to the right place:

From the terminal do:

xcode-select -p

and make sure it says:


If it does, I would remove and re-install Xcode making sure you have the latest version.  If it’s not pointing to that, make sure that path exists:

ls -l /Applications/

It should output this:

total 0
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel  102 Apr 11 16:44 Documentation
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  wheel  204 Apr 11 16:44 Library
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  wheel  204 Apr 11 16:44 Makefiles
drwxr-xr-x   5 root  wheel  170 Apr 11 16:44 Platforms
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel  102 Jan 15 15:00 Toolchains
drwxr-xr-x  18 root  wheel  612 Apr 11 16:46 Tools
drwxr-xr-x   7 root  wheel  238 Apr 11 16:46 usr

(well the dates and times may be different)

If it doesn’t, then you might need to run:

xcode-select -s /Applications/


Thank Rob, I’ll try it.

Rob , 

I think the new admob, for some reason is not showing interstitial ads. Have you tried it ?


Can I get you to file a bug report on this.  Make sure to include your build.settings and config.lua that you are using.



Just found out Corona has a admob-V2 in 2014.2189. will try it out today and check if interstitial works!

I’m having a problem with admob. I can display an advert just fine, but it never triggers the listener function defined in ads.init.  

I’ve been using Vungle, and that has worked fine so I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong in my code.

local function adListener(e) print("adListener") print("\<\<\<event data") for k, v in pairs(e) do print(k, v) end print("event data\>\>\>") if e.isError then if ads:getCurrentProvider() == "admob" then print("admob ad error") end elseif e.type == "adStart" then elseif e.type == "adEnd" then if ads:getCurrentProvider() == "admob" then print("admob success") end else if ads:getCurrentProvider() == "admob" then print("admob other", e.type) end end if ads:getCurrentProvider() == "admob" then ads.load("interstitial") end end ads.init( "admob", unique.adMobID, adListener ) ads:setCurrentProvider( "admob" ) ads.load("interstitial") --called later on in code "interstitial" )

Has this happened to anyone else?

Edit: Tested on an android build, built with Corona SDK 2014.2325 (not Enterprise).

If you call ad.load() the listener is called when the load process completes.  There will be no listener trigger for  Think of it this way, if you just call show() it calls load() and then show() under the hood.  The listener goes with the load() part of the call.



So if I want my analytics to show me when a user has successfully viewed an ad, I can’t do it unless I don’t preload the advert which means the user has to wait 3-5 seconds for it to appear? Or if I want to incentivise ad views, I also can’t preload the advert?

Also, admob supports video interstitials. Do we know if these would work using the current plugin?  

I’ve tried setting my ad type in the admob console to use “video” only, but I get an error saying “Ad request successful, but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory”. I assume this is simply an issue of the fill rate not being 100%.

Another thing that would be useful is if the data returned to the listener could contain whether the ad received was a text, image or video ad.

Is that something that could be possible, or is that kind of data simply not returned by admob themselves? 

I’m having a problem with admob. I can display an advert just fine, but it never triggers the listener function defined in ads.init.  

I’ve been using Vungle, and that has worked fine so I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong in my code.

local function adListener(e) print("adListener") print("\<\<\<event data") for k, v in pairs(e) do print(k, v) end print("event data\>\>\>") if e.isError then if ads:getCurrentProvider() == "admob" then print("admob ad error") end elseif e.type == "adStart" then elseif e.type == "adEnd" then if ads:getCurrentProvider() == "admob" then print("admob success") end else if ads:getCurrentProvider() == "admob" then print("admob other", e.type) end end if ads:getCurrentProvider() == "admob" then ads.load("interstitial") end end ads.init( "admob", unique.adMobID, adListener ) ads:setCurrentProvider( "admob" ) ads.load("interstitial") --called later on in code "interstitial" )

Has this happened to anyone else?

Edit: Tested on an android build, built with Corona SDK 2014.2325 (not Enterprise).

If you call ad.load() the listener is called when the load process completes.  There will be no listener trigger for  Think of it this way, if you just call show() it calls load() and then show() under the hood.  The listener goes with the load() part of the call.



So if I want my analytics to show me when a user has successfully viewed an ad, I can’t do it unless I don’t preload the advert which means the user has to wait 3-5 seconds for it to appear? Or if I want to incentivise ad views, I also can’t preload the advert?

Also, admob supports video interstitials. Do we know if these would work using the current plugin?  

I’ve tried setting my ad type in the admob console to use “video” only, but I get an error saying “Ad request successful, but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory”. I assume this is simply an issue of the fill rate not being 100%.

Another thing that would be useful is if the data returned to the listener could contain whether the ad received was a text, image or video ad.

Is that something that could be possible, or is that kind of data simply not returned by admob themselves?