It seems that AdMob is crashing when it does not have internet connection.
I have reported bug #34214, but I hope that someone can confirm that its not just me before developers will get to it.
here is code to reproduce
local Admob = { BannerID = "", FullscreenID = "", Handle = nil }; function Admob.Initialize() Admob.BannerID = "\<some id here\>"; Admob.FullscreenID = "\<other id here\>"; Admob.Handle = require("ads"); Admob.Handle.init("admob", Admob.FullscreenID, function(e) end); end function Admob.ShowBanner() Admob.Handle:setCurrentProvider("admob"); Admob.Handle.hide();"banner", { x = display.screenOriginX, y = 9999, appId = Admob.BannerID }); end function Admob.ShowFullscreen() Admob.Handle:setCurrentProvider("admob"); Admob.Handle.hide();"interstitial", { appId = Admob.FullscreenID }); end function Admob.Hide() if (Admob.Handle) then Admob.Handle:setCurrentProvider("admob"); Admob.Handle.hide(); end end Admob.Initialize(); Admob.ShowBanner(); timer.performWithDelay(1000, Admob.ShowFullscreen);
On my computer it crashes when trying on ios simulator. Just turn off wifi before opening it.
It also crashes on my iphone with airplane mode on.
Use Admob v2 plugin
Thank you