admob load question

I wonder when I have to load a rewardedVideo:


I init admob then load multiple rewardedVideo ads:

admob.load( “rewardedVideo”, { adUnitId=“YOUR_ADMOB_AD_UNIT_ID1” } )

admob.load( “rewardedVideo”, { adUnitId=“YOUR_ADMOB_AD_UNIT_ID2” } )

admob.load( “rewardedVideo”, { adUnitId=“YOUR_ADMOB_AD_UNIT_ID3” } )

admob.load( “rewardedVideo”, { adUnitId=“YOUR_ADMOB_AD_UNIT_ID4” } )

Now I can check with admob.isLoaded (“rewardedVideo”)==true if a video is available. Then I can show it with (“rewardedVideo”).

But how can I check now which video I have to load again in case another is already loaded from the list above?

Is it okay to load all of them when the video has finished? What exactly is happening if a video of the list above has loaded and then I try to load it again? Is this okay to do?

At some point there were undocumented calls to the admob library, I don’t know if they were removed and I don’t even remember if it was completed before the person that use to work on the plugins left or if they were extended to rewarded video ads. What I do know is some changes were made and that I was asked to test them before releasing it (since I asked for the change).

If the changes are still there then both admob.isLoaded and both have the option to add a table with the adUnitId. 

So check to see if either of these work:

admob.isLoaded( "rewardedVideo", { adUnitId="YOUR\_ADMOB\_AD\_UNIT\_ID4" } ) "rewardedVideo", { adUnitId="YOUR\_ADMOB\_AD\_UNIT\_ID4" } )

Reloading all 4 will probably get you blocked or reduce your fill over time. Starting out with 3 out of 4 rewarded videos that you are going to abandon will not look good. And I believe the show just picks the first ad unit anyhow.


This is tricky. Your app gets impressions from the ad provider. The ad provider expects that you will show that impression. If you load a rewarded video and your user never clicks on a button to show it, that impression gets wasted. If you load multiple ones, you’re waisting even more of your advertisers impressions. The more waisted ads, the lower the income will become.

I would suggest that you never preload a rewarded video in advance of an opportunity for the user to play the ad. For instance, I would maybe have a flag to indicate if you have a rewarded video loaded or not, then when you enter a scene where you’re presenting the user with a button to view the ad and you don’t have it pre-loaded, start loading it.


Thank you for the useful tips! Much appreciated!

At some point there were undocumented calls to the admob library, I don’t know if they were removed and I don’t even remember if it was completed before the person that use to work on the plugins left or if they were extended to rewarded video ads. What I do know is some changes were made and that I was asked to test them before releasing it (since I asked for the change).

If the changes are still there then both admob.isLoaded and both have the option to add a table with the adUnitId. 

So check to see if either of these work:

admob.isLoaded( "rewardedVideo", { adUnitId="YOUR\_ADMOB\_AD\_UNIT\_ID4" } ) "rewardedVideo", { adUnitId="YOUR\_ADMOB\_AD\_UNIT\_ID4" } )

Reloading all 4 will probably get you blocked or reduce your fill over time. Starting out with 3 out of 4 rewarded videos that you are going to abandon will not look good. And I believe the show just picks the first ad unit anyhow.


This is tricky. Your app gets impressions from the ad provider. The ad provider expects that you will show that impression. If you load a rewarded video and your user never clicks on a button to show it, that impression gets wasted. If you load multiple ones, you’re waisting even more of your advertisers impressions. The more waisted ads, the lower the income will become.

I would suggest that you never preload a rewarded video in advance of an opportunity for the user to play the ad. For instance, I would maybe have a flag to indicate if you have a rewarded video loaded or not, then when you enter a scene where you’re presenting the user with a button to view the ad and you don’t have it pre-loaded, start loading it.


Thank you for the useful tips! Much appreciated!