Admob max_ad_content_rating IMPORTANT


Declare a target audience by September 1st Hello Google Play Developer, A few months ago we emailed you to let you know about our new Families policy. As part of the new policy, all developers must complete the new target audience and content section of the Google Play Console by September 1st. We are asking every developer to thoughtfully consider whether children are part of your target audience. For most developers, the target audience does not include children and this section should be relatively quick to complete. If children are part of your target audience, you must meet policy requirements in your app concerning content and handling of personally identifiable information. You can view more information on the Android developers website and in our blog post, and access training on Google Play's Academy for App Success.

My apps are for general audience so I must update all my apps with proper flags:

Bundle extras = new Bundle(); extras.putString("max\_ad\_content\_rating", "G"); AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder() .addNetworkExtrasBundle(AdMobAdapter.class, extras) .tagForChildDirectedTreatment(true) .build();

How to set  max_ad_content_rating to “G” in Admob?

Setting in Admob.load:

designedForFamilies = true childSafe = true

will work?

I have the same question regarding this. Can someone from the support team give us a reply?  Thanks.

Just reading the Google docs:

Tagging ad requests

The digital content label of the ads shown in your app can also be affected by the other ways in which the requests are tagged. Each tag has its own default value. Regardless of the max_ad_content_rating, an ad request won’t be filled with an ad above the default value.

If the request is from an app in…The default value is…The available values for
max_ad_content_rating are…Designed for Families
(primarily child-directed) G G Designed for Families
(mixed audience) PG G, PG Not tagged/default MA G, PG, T, MA

So it sounds to me like if you select designedForFamilies and childSafe, you are in effect saying only show me “G” rated ads.

I’m near 100% certain we don’t let you set the rating directly.

Rob can you add new variable to API to set max_ad_content_rating with each request?

Google allows to add “neutral age screen” so we can serve ads to different groups of users. We need this settings to keep revenue as high as possible. When user selects age below 18y then content rating will drop to “PG”.

I have the same question regarding this. Can someone from the support team give us a reply?  Thanks.

Just reading the Google docs:

Tagging ad requests

The digital content label of the ads shown in your app can also be affected by the other ways in which the requests are tagged. Each tag has its own default value. Regardless of the max_ad_content_rating, an ad request won’t be filled with an ad above the default value.

If the request is from an app in…The default value is…The available values for
max_ad_content_rating are…Designed for Families
(primarily child-directed) G G Designed for Families
(mixed audience) PG G, PG Not tagged/default MA G, PG, T, MA

So it sounds to me like if you select designedForFamilies and childSafe, you are in effect saying only show me “G” rated ads.

I’m near 100% certain we don’t let you set the rating directly.

Rob can you add new variable to API to set max_ad_content_rating with each request?

Google allows to add “neutral age screen” so we can serve ads to different groups of users. We need this settings to keep revenue as high as possible. When user selects age below 18y then content rating will drop to “PG”.

@o.jacek did you found a way to fix it?