This is common just before and after a major update. I’d give it a few weeks before things start to settle.
I see this error message but I’m still getting banner ads on iOS8 with admob. Hopefully this is more of a warning message and iOS8 ad revenue is being counted correctly.
I see the same thing in my apps. Admob Ads are showing on iOS 8. However I’d suspect that there are cases where ads might not show or behave as expected.
It’s a bit like Chartboost where *I* had some issues with ads not behaving properly on iOS 8 with their old SDK, but others didn’t see a problem. However after updating to their new SDK (with official iOS 8 support) my issues were gone.
I noticed my Landscape Apps stop showing Admob banner on iOS8.
Banner ad still working on my Portrait apps.
Fullscreen ad function well on both Landscape & Portrait apps.
If you are using Admob banner as main revenue resource on your Landscape app, maybe you should use other ad platform temporarily before it fixed.
We need a bug report with a simple program that shows the issue. It should include your build.settings and config.lua and be in a .zip file. Please use the “Report a bug” feature at the top of the page to file this report. Make sure to include iOS 8 your subject.
hi I am seeing this problem as well, no adMob ads on Landscape. I have a sample ready and will file a bug report pronto
Just built an app on 2439 and it works on an iPhone 5c running iOS in Portrait.
yes, it works on Portrait but not Landscape
Mine seems to work fine in landscape too - looking at it now
This is the code I use to get it started:
--// Create an advert. Parameters passed are android/ios/universal (Admob AppIDs), advertType, defaults to banner. Must provide the admob app-IDs --// @info [table] Constructor information. function Advert:constructor(info) self.m\_isDevice = system.getInfo("environment") == "device" -- device or simulator. self.m\_isAndroid = system.getInfo("platformName") == "Android" -- running on Android or iOS ? if self.m\_isDevice and Advert.isInitialised ~= true then -- is it a device, and has Ads.\* not been initialised Advert.isInitialised = true -- only initialise it once. local adID if self.m\_isAndroid then -- get AppID (Android) adID = else -- get AppID (iOS) adID = info.ios end adID = adID or info.universal -- possible universal App ID assert(adID ~= nil,"Warning, App-ID Missing") -- check there actually is one. Ads.init(info.provider or "admob",adID) -- and initialise the AdMob code. end if self.m\_isDevice then -- if on a real device, show the banner. or "banner") else -- otherwise, fake one. self.m\_fakeAdGroup = display.newGroup() local r = display.newRect(self.m\_fakeAdGroup,0,0,display.contentWidth,Advert.simulatorHeight) r:setFillColor(0,0,0) r.strokeWidth = 2 r.anchorX = 0 r.anchorY = 0 local t = display.newText(self.m\_fakeAdGroup,"Your ad goes here ....",2,2,native.systemFont,15) t.anchorX,t.anchorY = 0,0 t:setFillColor(0,1,0) self.m\_fakeAdGroup.alpha = 0 self:addSingleTimer(math.random(1000,2500)/1000) -- make it appear, pretty much randomly after a second or two end Advert.isSuccessfullyShown = true -- setting this flag means we can now legally call getHeight() end
hi, what device are you testing on? I couldn’t make it appear on my iPhone 5 but would be thrilled to see someone getting it working!
Running on iPhone 5C, iOS 8.4 - a quick snapshot (note to Mods ; your editor doesn’t work on Chrome)
Can you post the BugID to this thread?
The AdMob problem not working in landscape mode was because the project was using the old AdMob plugin instead of AdMob-v2. The original AdMob plugin is no longer support by Google and does not work with iOS8 (hence the iOS8 warning message in the console).
Please use AdMob-v2 for your project.
@Tom: my projects are already using AdMob-v2 and build with version 2014.2393, I will try them again when I get next public build release.
Here’s the code in my build.settings
settings =
plugins =
[“”] =
publisherId = “com.coronalabs”
The Admob-v2 banner works on landscape now, thanks for your hard work.
A minor issue found here, if you want to display banner at bottom of screen on iOS in:
Landscape mode, you need to set banner.y to display.contentheight - display.screenOriginY - 32 for a correct display result. but in Portrait mode, you just set banner.y to display.contentheight - display.screenOriginY and you get what you want.
not sure if it need same setting on android device
The best practice for setting ads at the bottom of the screen is to set y = 10000 or something insanely large and well off screen. The Ad’s will adjust themselves back on screen at the right place.