Mine seems to work fine in landscape too - looking at it now
This is the code I use to get it started:
--// Create an advert. Parameters passed are android/ios/universal (Admob AppIDs), advertType, defaults to banner. Must provide the admob app-IDs --// @info [table] Constructor information. function Advert:constructor(info) self.m\_isDevice = system.getInfo("environment") == "device" -- device or simulator. self.m\_isAndroid = system.getInfo("platformName") == "Android" -- running on Android or iOS ? if self.m\_isDevice and Advert.isInitialised ~= true then -- is it a device, and has Ads.\* not been initialised Advert.isInitialised = true -- only initialise it once. local adID if self.m\_isAndroid then -- get AppID (Android) adID = info.android else -- get AppID (iOS) adID = info.ios end adID = adID or info.universal -- possible universal App ID assert(adID ~= nil,"Warning, App-ID Missing") -- check there actually is one. Ads.init(info.provider or "admob",adID) -- and initialise the AdMob code. end if self.m\_isDevice then -- if on a real device, show the banner. Ads.show(info.advertType or "banner") else -- otherwise, fake one. self.m\_fakeAdGroup = display.newGroup() local r = display.newRect(self.m\_fakeAdGroup,0,0,display.contentWidth,Advert.simulatorHeight) r:setFillColor(0,0,0) r.strokeWidth = 2 r.anchorX = 0 r.anchorY = 0 local t = display.newText(self.m\_fakeAdGroup,"Your ad goes here ....",2,2,native.systemFont,15) t.anchorX,t.anchorY = 0,0 t:setFillColor(0,1,0) self.m\_fakeAdGroup.alpha = 0 self:addSingleTimer(math.random(1000,2500)/1000) -- make it appear, pretty much randomly after a second or two end Advert.isSuccessfullyShown = true -- setting this flag means we can now legally call getHeight() end