Admob not showing and getting this error [Device] WARNING: [, options ]), Banner not loaded for adUnitId

Admob works fine on Android but when I tried to build on IOS device, banner, interstitial and video ads are not showing up

  1. Do you have the right build.settings setup?  Network permissions, and all that good stuff.

  2. What messages are you getting in the xCode log?

That error also sounds a lot like you’re doing this:

  • init()
  • load()
  • show()

You can’t simply call the various functions one after the other.  That is not how ad code works.

You need to write a listener to:

  • detect the init completion, then load an ad
  • detect the ad got loaded, then show the ad

PS - Are you using the paid admob plugin?  Don’t assume we know how you’re using AdMob.  There are actually a few ways to use it, so give us a link(s) to the docs on this site you are using so we can give you proper help.

Are you calling admob.load()?

Yes, I am calling admob.load() after init completion.

I am getting this messages in xCode log when I am trying 

[Device] WARNING: [, options]), Banner not loaded for adUnitId

Are you getting a ‘loaded’ indication in your listener?

Correction* My interstital Ad is working properly. Banner and Rewared video ads are not working

When I tried to print admob.isLoaded(“banner”)  it is always false

I just tested AdMob ads on iOS this past weekend and it’s showing banner ads just fine. Now this isn’t a scene based app (that is I always show banner ads for the duration of the app regardless of the scene, so I can do my loading and showing in the event listener.)

-- -- Initialize ads -- -- Android AdMob IDs mydata.appId = "ca-app-pub-5387XXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXX70" mydata.bannerUnitId = "ca-app-pub-5387XXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX75" if device.isApple then -- Apple AdMob IDs mydata.appId = "ca-app-pub-5387XXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXX70" mydata.bannerUnitId = "ca-app-pub-5387XXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX79" end local function adListener( event ) -- event table includes: -- event.provider -- event.isError (e.g. true/false ) utility.print\_r(event) local msg = event.response -- just a quick debug message to check what response we got from the library print("Message received from the ads library: ", msg) if event.phase == "init" then admob.load( "banner", { adUnitId = mydata.bannerUnitId, hasUserConsent = mydata.settings.hasUserConsent or false } ) elseif event.phase == "loaded" then "banner", { y = "top" } ) end end if not mydata.settings.isPaid then print("initiing admob") admob.init( adListener, { appId = mydata.appId, testMode = true } ) end

The table mydata.settings holds my app settings where I track if the user has granted consent or not. 


  1. Do you have the right build.settings setup?  Network permissions, and all that good stuff.

  2. What messages are you getting in the xCode log?

That error also sounds a lot like you’re doing this:

  • init()
  • load()
  • show()

You can’t simply call the various functions one after the other.  That is not how ad code works.

You need to write a listener to:

  • detect the init completion, then load an ad
  • detect the ad got loaded, then show the ad

PS - Are you using the paid admob plugin?  Don’t assume we know how you’re using AdMob.  There are actually a few ways to use it, so give us a link(s) to the docs on this site you are using so we can give you proper help.

Are you calling admob.load()?

Yes, I am calling admob.load() after init completion.

I am getting this messages in xCode log when I am trying 

[Device] WARNING: [, options]), Banner not loaded for adUnitId

Are you getting a ‘loaded’ indication in your listener?

Correction* My interstital Ad is working properly. Banner and Rewared video ads are not working

When I tried to print admob.isLoaded(“banner”)  it is always false

I just tested AdMob ads on iOS this past weekend and it’s showing banner ads just fine. Now this isn’t a scene based app (that is I always show banner ads for the duration of the app regardless of the scene, so I can do my loading and showing in the event listener.)

-- -- Initialize ads -- -- Android AdMob IDs mydata.appId = "ca-app-pub-5387XXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXX70" mydata.bannerUnitId = "ca-app-pub-5387XXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX75" if device.isApple then -- Apple AdMob IDs mydata.appId = "ca-app-pub-5387XXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXX70" mydata.bannerUnitId = "ca-app-pub-5387XXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX79" end local function adListener( event ) -- event table includes: -- event.provider -- event.isError (e.g. true/false ) utility.print\_r(event) local msg = event.response -- just a quick debug message to check what response we got from the library print("Message received from the ads library: ", msg) if event.phase == "init" then admob.load( "banner", { adUnitId = mydata.bannerUnitId, hasUserConsent = mydata.settings.hasUserConsent or false } ) elseif event.phase == "loaded" then "banner", { y = "top" } ) end end if not mydata.settings.isPaid then print("initiing admob") admob.init( adListener, { appId = mydata.appId, testMode = true } ) end

The table mydata.settings holds my app settings where I track if the user has granted consent or not. 
