I am trying to add AdMob to my game as a banner at the bottom of the screen. I added the code and then tested it on a device. However the Ads do not show when I test it on my Android phone.
This is what I have included in the code for AdMob. Is there something I am missing ? also, Is it just necessary to add the code ? How do I set it up so that the revenue will be linked to my account in AdMob ? Is this done automatically or manually ?
Thank in advance for any help.
local provider = "admob" local appID = "com.daleoshea.example" local ads = require "ads" ads.init( provider, appID ) ads.show("banner", {x=0, y=display.contentHeight})
plugins = { ["CoronaProvider.ads.admob"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, },