Admob on iOS - isLoaded() always returning 'false' unless Provisioning Profile is changed

I am trying to figure out why my app, which is now in the iOS app store, is always returning false for isLoaded whenever I try to show a banner or an interstitial on my device. I’m using the exact same code as I have always done for my other apps, which run the ads fine. It fails to show ads no matter if I’m using the Distribution (app store) profile or the Development (testing) profile.

I could post my code, but during testing I notice that changing the development provisioning profile to another app’s development profile actually makes them work now! I don’t see any setting in the provisioning profile setup that would enable them… Any ideas? I’ve been using Admob for 5 years on iOS with no issue like this before.

Here are my findings so far:

  1. The “Test Ads” on the iOS simulators show interstitials but never banners.
  2. If my wife loads the app on her iPhone from the App Store, only the interstitials show, but no banners
  3. Changing the development provisioning profile to another app’s development provisioning profile now shows the banner and interstitials on my device
  4. Ads always show up when the app downloaded from the Google Play Store

I’m using build 2019.3508

The problems start with my init call in main.lua:, {appId = g.appId, testMode = g.testMode})

This is nothing different from what I’ve been doing for years. The Admob appId is of the format “ca-app-pub-xxxxxx~yyyy”

The ad listener (in my common functions file) however, always returns ‘failed’ for the init.  It does not do this for my other apps which use the exact same functions for AdMob.  I removed the interstitial stuff just to simplify it, but it still fails with just banners:

function M.adListener( event )   if event.phase == "init" then"banner", {adUnitId = M.adUnitId["banner"], hasUserConsent = false})   elseif event.phase == "failed" then     print("Warning: adListener event.phase = failed")   end end

I would also like to add that my iPhone is on iOS 12.3.1.  My wife, on the other hand, has iOS 10, and hers shows the interstitial ads, unlike on mine.

Some more info:

One of my other apps has the ads running fine on my device when built with the latest Corona SDK.  If I swap its provisioning profile out with the provisioning profile used for my faulty app, the ads no longer show on that old app.

Here’s some debug info from the console generated by Corona in my Sublime Text editor, on the app that currently is giving me trouble:

[Device] ### Before ads init [Device] Delegate set to \<private\>, found 4 implemented methods [Device] Sending selectors to server: \<private\> [Device] Signal strength query returned error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13, descriptor: \<private\> [Device] plugin.admob: 1.2.6 (SDK: afma-sdk-i-v7.32.0) [Device] 0x1061d0000 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::setState: main frame load completed (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadCompleted: [Device] document\_count: 1 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 27049984 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 65536 [Device] internal: 12615680 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 4941561856 [Device] phys\_footprint: 21299704 [Device] ### After calling ads init [Device] 1549: Stopping AURemoteIO(0x10103be40) [Device] \<private\> adding listener `\<private\>` for service: iMessage [Device] \<private\> creating monitor for service: iMessage [Device] \<private\> updating availability for FTCServiceTypeiMessage &nbsp; =\> from FTCServiceAvailabilityUnavailable to FTCServiceAvailabilityAvailable [Device] 0x1061d0e00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x105d34480, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a14020 - FrameLoader::setState: main frame load completed (frame = 0x105d34480, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadCompleted: [Device] document\_count: 2 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 79724544 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 65536 [Device] internal: 63848448 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 4996186112 [Device] phys\_footprint: 63095328 [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"initWithEffectiveBundleIdentifier:bundle:", "self":"0x2820a86e0", "identifier":"", "bundle":""} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"init", "new":{"previousAuthorizationStatusValid":false,"paused":false,"requestingLocation":false,"updatingVehicleSpeed":false,"desiredAccuracy":-1,"allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates":false,"dynamicAccuracyReductionEnabled":false,"distanceFilter":-1,"allowsLocationPrompts":true,"activityType":0,"persistentMonitoringEnabled":true,"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically":0,"updatingVehicleHeading":false,"batchingLocation":false,"showsBackgroundLocationIndicator":false,"updatingLocation":false,"requestingRanging":false,"updatingHeading":false,"previousAuthorizationStatus":0,"allowsMapCorrection":true,"matchInfoEnabled":false,"allowsAlteredAccessoryLocations":false,"updatingRanging":false,"courtesyPromptNeeded":false,"headingFilter":1}} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x0", "new":"0x2809b1340"} [Device] {"msg":"CLClientCreateWithBundleIdentifierAndPath", "event":"activity", "effectiveBundleIdentifier":"", "effectiveBundlePath":""} [Device] {"msg":"client allocated", "client":"0x100b2d0c0"} [Device] {"msg":"\_CLClientCreateConnection", "event":"activity", "client":"0x100b2d0c0"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically", "old":{"type":"decode failure","raw value":0,"expected type":"Generic"}, "new":{"type":"decode failure","raw value":5,"expected type":"Generic"}} [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"setDelegate:", "self":"0x2820a86e0", "delegate":"0x282cf54a0"} [Device] {"msg":"CLInternalGetAuthorizationStatus", "event":"activity"} [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"stopUpdatingLocation", "self":"0x2820a86e0"} [Device] {"msg":"Sending cached messages to daemon", "event":"activity"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"updatingLocation", "old":0, "new":0} [Device] \<Google\> To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = @[@"79e001117928a8b3f36af249168d77fa"]; [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"previousAuthorizationStatus", "old":"NotDetermined", "new":"NotDetermined"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"previousAuthorizationStatusValid", "old":0, "new":1} [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"stopUpdatingLocation", "self":"0x2820a86e0"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"updatingLocation", "old":0, "new":0} [Device] 0x1061d1c00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x105d346c0, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a08ac0 - FrameLoader::setState: main frame load completed (frame = 0x105d346c0, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadCompleted: [Device] document\_count: 3 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 79986688 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 65536 [Device] internal: 64045056 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 4996759552 [Device] phys\_footprint: 63291936 [Device] {"msg":"CLInternalGetAuthorizationStatus", "event":"activity"} [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"stopUpdatingLocation", "self":"0x2820a86e0"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"updatingLocation", "old":0, "new":0} [Device] HTHangEventCreate: HangTracing is disabled. Not creating a new event. [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"onDidBecomeActive:", "self":"0x2820a86e0", "notification":\<private\>} [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::load (FrameLoadRequest): frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::load (DocumentLoader): frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: main frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadStarted: [Device] document\_count: 3 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 80642048 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 65536 [Device] internal: 64438272 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 5013504000 [Device] phys\_footprint: 71975456 [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::prepareForLoadStart: Starting frame load (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x105d882a0 - ProgressTracker::progressStarted: frame 0x105d34240, value 0.100000, tracked frames 1, originating frame 0x105d34240, isMainLoad 1 [Device] 0x10616c000 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Starting load (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] [C1 Hostname#96b45200:443 tcp, url hash: 58ffeb3c, tls] start [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> setting up Connection 1 [Device] System Trust Evaluation yielded status(0) [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> now using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content C [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> done using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> now using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content K [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> done using Connection 1 [Device] 0x106144000 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 1) [Device] 0x10b171a00 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 2) [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> now using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] [C2 Hostname#96b45200:443 tcp, url hash: 60c568dc, tls] start [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> setting up Connection 2 [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content K [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> now using Connection 2 [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> done using Connection 1 [Device] 0x10b170680 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 3) [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content K [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> done using Connection 2 [Device] 0x1061c8000 - FrameView::fireLayoutRelatedMilestonesIfNeeded() - firing first visually non-empty layout milestone on the main frame [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::setState: main frame load completed (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadCompleted: [Device] document\_count: 3 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 91570176 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 3044816 [Device] internal: 73728000 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 5029347328 [Device] phys\_footprint: 81035848 [Device] 0x105d882a0 - ProgressTracker::progressCompleted: frame 0x105d34240, value 0.500000, tracked frames 1, originating frame 0x105d34240, isMainLoad 1 [Device] 0x105d882a0 - ProgressTracker::finalProgressComplete: value 0.500000, tracked frames 0, originating frame 0x105d34240, isMainLoad 1, isMainLoadProgressing 1 [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::checkLoadCompleteForThisFrame: Finished frame load (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x10b173400 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 4) [Device] 0x1061d2a00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a04b80 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a04b80 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a04b80 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a04b80 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> now using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] 0x10b7a0e00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b10560 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b10560 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b10560 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b10560 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> now using Connection 2 [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] 0x10b7a2a00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b45860 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b45860 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b45860 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b45860 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] \<Google:HTML\> You are currently using version 7.32.0 of the SDK. Please consider updating your SDK to the most recent SDK version to get the latest features and bug fixes. The latest SDK can be downloaded from A full list of release notes is available at [Device] 0x10b7a1c00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a598a0 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a598a0 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a598a0 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a598a0 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] Task \<141E8BB8-21BE-481A-BFE0-A52D922D5972\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] [C3 Hostname#96b45200:443 tcp, url hash: 79123e71, tls] start [Device] Task \<141E8BB8-21BE-481A-BFE0-A52D922D5972\>.\<0\> setting up Connection 3 [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content C [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> done using Connection 1 [Device] 0x10bbf8000 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a57fe0 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a57fe0 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a57fe0 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a57fe0 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] 0x10bbe1a00 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 5) [Device] Task \<141E8BB8-21BE-481A-BFE0-A52D922D5972\>.\<0\> now using Connection 3 [Device] Task \<141E8BB8-21BE-481A-BFE0-A52D922D5972\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] 0x10bfece00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b48360 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b48360 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b48360 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b48360 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content K [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> done using Connection 2 [Device] ### Warning: adListener event.phase = failed

Has anyone at the Corona team seen my thread?   If possible, I could zip up my project and have one of you try it.

You can zip it up if you like, but we won’t be able to reproduce the problem since we can’t build and distribute with your profiles. As far as I know, AdMob works off of the Bundle ID (com.yoursite.yourapp) so maybe something isn’t set up right in your AdMob profile for your new app.


Hi Rob, is it possible for me to send it to one of you, and then you use your own test profile? I’m noticing that even a different provisioning profile no longer helps with the ads in this app. The Admob ads don’t require the bundle ID of the app.

Is there a Corona Engineer to whom I can send a link to my project download?  The messaging system does not allow sending PMs to you, Rob.

On my latest try of the app:

  • iPhone 6s+ on iOS 12 does not show any ads

  • iPod Touch running iOS 10.3.2 - does not show any ads


  • iPad Air 2 on iOS 10.3.3 shows the interstitial and banner ads

  • iPhone 6 on iOS 10.2.1 only shows interstitial ads

This is really weird…

You can email with your .zip file if you’re unwilling to post it publicly, but before you do we don’t have time to debug your project. If you want to submit a bug report, build a very minimal sample app that has your AdMob code in it so we are not having to dig through your entire projects looking for things.

If it’s working with some provisioning profiles but not others, then your provisioning profile is suspect. That is a combination of your certificate, and you bundle ID (if it’s a development profile, your valid test devices).  Since we cannot use your provisioning profile, and if we go on AdMob, create a new app and test it against test ads (which is the best we can do) then we’ve not determined anything.

Your and our time would be better served if you put some print statements dumping the event table so we can see if AdMob is tell you something when you try to call .init() .load(), .show() etc.  These are all basic debugging things that you’ve not shared with us if you have done them before we can go chasing it as a bug…


Okay, thanks. The problem starts at ‘init’ as I already shared in the second post, the event.phase returns ‘failed’. The last line in post 3’s debug shows the event.phase result.

The debug I posted afterward shows ‘Returning empty document’ from DocumentLoader although I’m not sure if that’s related. I can’t determine anything else from the output.

I don’t think it’s worth posting a sample project to Support, I don’t think anyone will have time to look at it. I’ll try to figure it out on my own, although I’ve wasted a few days on this and I’ve been doing the same things I’ve always done for years. I’ll see what I can do. It’s a bummer since I paid Corona for the plugin renewal just to release this app.

If anyone else has the same issue, please let me know.

At the top of your admob listener function do this:

location function adListener( event) -- or whatever you call it &nbsp; &nbsp; print("------------ AdMob listener ------------")&nbsp; &nbsp; print("event.isError:", event.isError) &nbsp; &nbsp; print("",&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; print("event.phase:",&nbsp;event.phase) &nbsp; &nbsp; print("event.provider:",&nbsp;event.provider) &nbsp; &nbsp; print("event.response:",&nbsp;event.response) &nbsp; &nbsp; print("event.type:",&nbsp;event.type) &nbsp; &nbsp; print("",&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; print("------------ AdMob listener ------------")

This will give you all the information AdMob is returning. Please share this information.

We want to help you.  You’ve been a customer for quite a while and we appreciate it, but as I said, if it’s an issue with a provisioning profile, which you feel it is, it is physically impossible for us to reproduce the problem because we can’t build against your developer account and profiles.  

What I can do is encourage Engineering to update the iOS AdMob plugin to the latest version if we are not there already. Google has been doing some weird things on the Android side with regards to problems that seem backend related and some problems have mysteriously fixed themselves. 


Hi Rob,

Thanks for the helpful debug tip.  Sorry for the late response as I was away.

Here’s some console output I gathered after the first ads ‘init’ followed by the ‘load’ of a banner:

In summary,

This is what happens on init -

In my code I had used:, {appId = g.appId, testMode = g.testMode})

[Device] ------------ AdMob listener ------------ [Device] event.isError: false [Device] adsRequest [Device] event.phase: init [Device] event.provider: admob [Device] event.response: nil [Device] event.type: nil [Device] nil [Device] ------------ AdMob listener ------------

And if you scroll further down, you will see this when it tries to load a banner -

In my code I had used:“banner”, {adUnitId = M.adUnitId[“banner”], hasUserConsent = false})

[Device] ------------ AdMob listener ------------ [Device] event.isError: true [Device] adsRequest [Device] event.phase: failed [Device] event.provider: admob [Device] event.response: loadFailed [Device] event.type: banner [Device] {"errorCode":1,"adUnitId":"ca-app-pub-2717177285541669\134/9951144852","errorMsg":"Request Error: No ad to show."} [Device] ------------ AdMob listener ------------

AdMob has no ads to show you. {“errorCode”:1,“adUnitId”:“ca-app-pub-2717177285541669\134/9951144852”,“errorMsg”:“Request Error: No ad to show.”}

What country are you in?

What is the value of g.testMode?

We are not experts at using AdMob. Since you say the provisioning profile is effecting this, it make sense that either a) something isn’t right with your provisioning profile or b) Google is trying to figure out information about the app by finding it in the App Store (maybe it’s using Apple’s App ID which is like a 10 digit # that’s part of the app’s URL) and they are sending ads to one that they found, but not to one they haven’t found.

I doubt this is a unique to Corona issue and other developers may be experiencing it. Have you conducted an internet search to see what others are saying on StackOverflow or the Apple Developer’s forums about it?


Hi Rob,

I apologize once again for my late reply! I was away on vacation for 2 weeks and couldn’t find the time to use my computer.

To answer your question, in the code above, I had been using non-testMode when trying to test the AdMob ads (when I enabled test mode it did show interstitial ads though).   But anyways, it looks like I have solved the problem for non-test mode!  It was a settings issue with the ad units on my AdMob account -

In the site, under my Ad unit settings, for my interstitial ad, under Advanced Settings it had asked for “Ad type”.  Under this category I had initially enabled “Text, image and rich media” ads, but had unchecked “Video” ads.  BUT… Once I checked the “Video” box, all of a sudden the interstitial AND the banner ads started appearing.

I’m not sure why my other apps didn’t exhibit this issue.  It seems to work now though, so I will continue to monitor it, and also make sure all my other apps’ ad units have the same ‘Video’ option enabled.  I had disabled Video ads all this time for all my apps due to their annoyance.  But I guess I’ll run them anyway just to be sure.  Really weird.

Okay, one day later and the ads are not showing again ;-/

I’ll try or debug it more later. This is really baffling.

The problems start with my init call in main.lua:, {appId = g.appId, testMode = g.testMode})

This is nothing different from what I’ve been doing for years. The Admob appId is of the format “ca-app-pub-xxxxxx~yyyy”

The ad listener (in my common functions file) however, always returns ‘failed’ for the init.  It does not do this for my other apps which use the exact same functions for AdMob.  I removed the interstitial stuff just to simplify it, but it still fails with just banners:

function M.adListener( event ) &nbsp; if event.phase == "init" then &nbsp; &nbsp;"banner", {adUnitId = M.adUnitId["banner"], hasUserConsent = false}) &nbsp; elseif event.phase == "failed" then &nbsp; &nbsp; print("Warning: adListener event.phase = failed") &nbsp; end end

I would also like to add that my iPhone is on iOS 12.3.1.  My wife, on the other hand, has iOS 10, and hers shows the interstitial ads, unlike on mine.

Some more info:

One of my other apps has the ads running fine on my device when built with the latest Corona SDK.  If I swap its provisioning profile out with the provisioning profile used for my faulty app, the ads no longer show on that old app.

Here’s some debug info from the console generated by Corona in my Sublime Text editor, on the app that currently is giving me trouble:

[Device] ### Before ads init [Device] Delegate set to \<private\>, found 4 implemented methods [Device] Sending selectors to server: \<private\> [Device] Signal strength query returned error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13, descriptor: \<private\> [Device] plugin.admob: 1.2.6 (SDK: afma-sdk-i-v7.32.0) [Device] 0x1061d0000 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::setState: main frame load completed (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadCompleted: [Device] document\_count: 1 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 27049984 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 65536 [Device] internal: 12615680 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 4941561856 [Device] phys\_footprint: 21299704 [Device] ### After calling ads init [Device] 1549: Stopping AURemoteIO(0x10103be40) [Device] \<private\> adding listener `\<private\>` for service: iMessage [Device] \<private\> creating monitor for service: iMessage [Device] \<private\> updating availability for FTCServiceTypeiMessage &nbsp; =\> from FTCServiceAvailabilityUnavailable to FTCServiceAvailabilityAvailable [Device] 0x1061d0e00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x105d34480, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a14020 - FrameLoader::setState: main frame load completed (frame = 0x105d34480, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadCompleted: [Device] document\_count: 2 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 79724544 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 65536 [Device] internal: 63848448 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 4996186112 [Device] phys\_footprint: 63095328 [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"initWithEffectiveBundleIdentifier:bundle:", "self":"0x2820a86e0", "identifier":"", "bundle":""} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"init", "new":{"previousAuthorizationStatusValid":false,"paused":false,"requestingLocation":false,"updatingVehicleSpeed":false,"desiredAccuracy":-1,"allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates":false,"dynamicAccuracyReductionEnabled":false,"distanceFilter":-1,"allowsLocationPrompts":true,"activityType":0,"persistentMonitoringEnabled":true,"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically":0,"updatingVehicleHeading":false,"batchingLocation":false,"showsBackgroundLocationIndicator":false,"updatingLocation":false,"requestingRanging":false,"updatingHeading":false,"previousAuthorizationStatus":0,"allowsMapCorrection":true,"matchInfoEnabled":false,"allowsAlteredAccessoryLocations":false,"updatingRanging":false,"courtesyPromptNeeded":false,"headingFilter":1}} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x0", "new":"0x2809b1340"} [Device] {"msg":"CLClientCreateWithBundleIdentifierAndPath", "event":"activity", "effectiveBundleIdentifier":"", "effectiveBundlePath":""} [Device] {"msg":"client allocated", "client":"0x100b2d0c0"} [Device] {"msg":"\_CLClientCreateConnection", "event":"activity", "client":"0x100b2d0c0"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically", "old":{"type":"decode failure","raw value":0,"expected type":"Generic"}, "new":{"type":"decode failure","raw value":5,"expected type":"Generic"}} [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"setDelegate:", "self":"0x2820a86e0", "delegate":"0x282cf54a0"} [Device] {"msg":"CLInternalGetAuthorizationStatus", "event":"activity"} [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"stopUpdatingLocation", "self":"0x2820a86e0"} [Device] {"msg":"Sending cached messages to daemon", "event":"activity"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"updatingLocation", "old":0, "new":0} [Device] \<Google\> To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = @[@"79e001117928a8b3f36af249168d77fa"]; [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"previousAuthorizationStatus", "old":"NotDetermined", "new":"NotDetermined"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"previousAuthorizationStatusValid", "old":0, "new":1} [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"stopUpdatingLocation", "self":"0x2820a86e0"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"updatingLocation", "old":0, "new":0} [Device] 0x1061d1c00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x105d346c0, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a08ac0 - FrameLoader::setState: main frame load completed (frame = 0x105d346c0, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadCompleted: [Device] document\_count: 3 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 79986688 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 65536 [Device] internal: 64045056 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 4996759552 [Device] phys\_footprint: 63291936 [Device] {"msg":"CLInternalGetAuthorizationStatus", "event":"activity"} [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"stopUpdatingLocation", "self":"0x2820a86e0"} [Device] {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state\_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x2820a86e0", "property":"updatingLocation", "old":0, "new":0} [Device] HTHangEventCreate: HangTracing is disabled. Not creating a new event. [Device] {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "\_cmd":"onDidBecomeActive:", "self":"0x2820a86e0", "notification":\<private\>} [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::load (FrameLoadRequest): frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::load (DocumentLoader): frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: main frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadStarted: [Device] document\_count: 3 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 80642048 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 65536 [Device] internal: 64438272 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 5013504000 [Device] phys\_footprint: 71975456 [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::prepareForLoadStart: Starting frame load (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x105d882a0 - ProgressTracker::progressStarted: frame 0x105d34240, value 0.100000, tracked frames 1, originating frame 0x105d34240, isMainLoad 1 [Device] 0x10616c000 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Starting load (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] [C1 Hostname#96b45200:443 tcp, url hash: 58ffeb3c, tls] start [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> setting up Connection 1 [Device] System Trust Evaluation yielded status(0) [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> now using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content C [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<5D1AC965-6E08-40B1-BF5B-AE745E0AEF7A\>.\<0\> done using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> now using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content K [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<7232A586-8865-4DF8-9430-CBDBA5ABA501\>.\<0\> done using Connection 1 [Device] 0x106144000 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 1) [Device] 0x10b171a00 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 2) [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> now using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] [C2 Hostname#96b45200:443 tcp, url hash: 60c568dc, tls] start [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> setting up Connection 2 [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content K [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> now using Connection 2 [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<37F87F2B-A6CF-43CD-9E96-60CF2FBDEC49\>.\<0\> done using Connection 1 [Device] 0x10b170680 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 3) [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content K [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<E8D2F5FA-361F-4390-A5D4-2654BF456352\>.\<0\> done using Connection 2 [Device] 0x1061c8000 - FrameView::fireLayoutRelatedMilestonesIfNeeded() - firing first visually non-empty layout milestone on the main frame [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::setState: main frame load completed (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] Memory usage info dump at MainFrameLoadCompleted: [Device] document\_count: 3 [Device] pagecache\_page\_count: 0 [Device] resident\_size: 91570176 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_capacity: 3044816 [Device] internal: 73728000 [Device] javascript\_gc\_heap\_extra\_memory\_size: 0 [Device] compressed: 0 [Device] virtual\_size: 5029347328 [Device] phys\_footprint: 81035848 [Device] 0x105d882a0 - ProgressTracker::progressCompleted: frame 0x105d34240, value 0.500000, tracked frames 1, originating frame 0x105d34240, isMainLoad 1 [Device] 0x105d882a0 - ProgressTracker::finalProgressComplete: value 0.500000, tracked frames 0, originating frame 0x105d34240, isMainLoad 1, isMainLoadProgressing 1 [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::checkLoadCompleteForThisFrame: Finished frame load (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x10b173400 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 4) [Device] 0x1061d2a00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a04b80 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a04b80 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a04b80 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a04b80 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x105d35f80, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> now using Connection 1 [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] 0x10b7a0e00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b10560 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b10560 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b10560 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b10560 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd6880, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> now using Connection 2 [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] 0x10b7a2a00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b45860 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b45860 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b45860 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b45860 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd46c0, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] \<Google:HTML\> You are currently using version 7.32.0 of the SDK. Please consider updating your SDK to the most recent SDK version to get the latest features and bug fixes. The latest SDK can be downloaded from A full list of release notes is available at [Device] 0x10b7a1c00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a598a0 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a598a0 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a598a0 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a598a0 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd5200, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] Task \<141E8BB8-21BE-481A-BFE0-A52D922D5972\>.\<0\> {strength 1, tls 8, ct 0, sub 0, sig 0, ciphers 1, bundle 0, builtin 0} [Device] [C3 Hostname#96b45200:443 tcp, url hash: 79123e71, tls] start [Device] Task \<141E8BB8-21BE-481A-BFE0-A52D922D5972\>.\<0\> setting up Connection 3 [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content C [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<05148690-454C-486E-91C5-72E7610F7AD6\>.\<0\> done using Connection 1 [Device] 0x10bbf8000 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100a57fe0 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a57fe0 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a57fe0 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0) [Device] 0x100a57fe0 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd7840, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] 0x10bbe1a00 - SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading: (frame = 0x105d34240, frameLoader = 0x100b189e0, resourceID = 5) [Device] Task \<141E8BB8-21BE-481A-BFE0-A52D922D5972\>.\<0\> now using Connection 3 [Device] Task \<141E8BB8-21BE-481A-BFE0-A52D922D5972\>.\<0\> sent request, body N [Device] 0x10bfece00 - DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource: Returning empty document (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b189e0 - FrameLoader::loadURLIntoChildFrame: frame load started (frame = 0x105d34240, main = 1) [Device] 0x100b48360 - FrameLoader::loadURL: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b48360 - FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b48360 - FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader: frame load started (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0) [Device] 0x100b48360 - FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy: can't continue loading frame due to the following reasons (frame = 0x10bbd6ac0, main = 0, allowNavigationToInvalidURL = 1, requestURLIsValid = 0, navigationPolicyDecision = 1) [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> received response, status 200 content K [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> response ended [Device] Task \<4D0297D3-40C9-48D5-8272-3BEA8BF07C67\>.\<0\> done using Connection 2 [Device] ### Warning: adListener event.phase = failed

Has anyone at the Corona team seen my thread?   If possible, I could zip up my project and have one of you try it.

You can zip it up if you like, but we won’t be able to reproduce the problem since we can’t build and distribute with your profiles. As far as I know, AdMob works off of the Bundle ID (com.yoursite.yourapp) so maybe something isn’t set up right in your AdMob profile for your new app.


Hi Rob, is it possible for me to send it to one of you, and then you use your own test profile? I’m noticing that even a different provisioning profile no longer helps with the ads in this app. The Admob ads don’t require the bundle ID of the app.

Is there a Corona Engineer to whom I can send a link to my project download?  The messaging system does not allow sending PMs to you, Rob.

On my latest try of the app:

  • iPhone 6s+ on iOS 12 does not show any ads

  • iPod Touch running iOS 10.3.2 - does not show any ads


  • iPad Air 2 on iOS 10.3.3 shows the interstitial and banner ads

  • iPhone 6 on iOS 10.2.1 only shows interstitial ads

This is really weird…