Admob Plugin on iOS crash my app

Hi there,

I’m facing an issue and don’t know how to procced.

Admob Plugin on iOS crash my app and when I remove plugin it works perfect.

Not even do: local ads = require( “plugin.admob” ) it crashes…

Of course it works on Android…

What could it be? I need a clue…

Thank you people!

Under your build file you need to add your app google id:

settings =


iphone =


plist =


GADApplicationIdentifier = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~1458002511" , -- replace with your app id. See:




Without this additional pList info for Admob, my app will crash at start (e.g. fails to start at all). Same as Android.

Docs link.

Thank you! It worked.
My first time using Admob plugin on iOS and I didn’t know it.
Solar2D docs must mention this GADApplicationIdentifier in Admob plugin documentation.
Thank you again.

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Hello, did you manage to monetize your app in production in the store with admob? using the latest Solar2D daily release?

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Thank you for pointing that out. I just sent a pull request to update the docs :slight_smile:

Is it now working as planned? Is it moneizing?

And what about “SKAdNetworkItems”? How to add this?