I’ve come into a really annoying problem and was wondering if anyone had previous experience with this and/or know how to fix it.
I tried iAd in my IOS app and was really disappointed with the outcome so submitted a new update to the app store removing iAd and replacing it with AdMob.
The update has been accepted and published but still not ads displaying in the app. I don’t know why and was wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem ??
I don’t think theres a problem with the code as it is working fine in the Android version of the app. I created a new app inside AdMob and copied the new code for the appID into the IOS version of the app.
Heres the code:
local provider = "admob" local appID = "ca-app-pub-4214842777046628/3277445793" local ads = require "ads" ads.init( provider, appID ) ads.show("banner", {x=0, y=display.contentHeight})