AdMob problem with IOS Version


I’ve come into a really annoying problem and was wondering if anyone had previous experience with this and/or know how to fix it. 

I tried iAd in my IOS app and was really disappointed with the outcome so submitted a new update to the app store removing iAd and replacing it with AdMob. 

The update has been accepted and published but still not ads displaying in the app. I don’t know why and was wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem ?? 

I don’t think theres a problem with the code as it is working fine in the Android version of the app. I created a new app inside AdMob and copied the new code for the appID into the IOS version of the app. 

Heres the code:


local provider = "admob" local appID = "ca-app-pub-4214842777046628/3277445793" local ads = require "ads" ads.init( provider, appID )"banner", {x=0, y=display.contentHeight})

Did it work when you tested it before submission?  

Also, are you using two different IDs?  One for android one for iOS?

I ask, because IIR you need to use OS specific app IDs for AdMob.

Finally, this is AdMob-v2 right? 


It worked before submission on all test devices and it is a separate ID to the Android ID. 

Yes, it is AdMOB-v2.

When you hook the device up to your mac and run xcode, can you see any errors or warnings in the console output?  Specifically warnings about ‘no content’ or ‘inventory’ available.

I have just hooked it up to the Corona Simulator and there are two messages: 

WARNING: The ‘ads’ provider (admob) is not available on the simulator

WARNING: The ‘ads’ library is not available on this platform.


This appeared too while testing on the simulator but worked when tested on an actual IOS device. 

Sorry, I meant:

  1. Install your released app on an iOS device.

  2. Plug it into your mac.

  3. Run the app

  4. Look in the xCode console to see what is happening.

Did it work when you tested it before submission?  

Also, are you using two different IDs?  One for android one for iOS?

I ask, because IIR you need to use OS specific app IDs for AdMob.

Finally, this is AdMob-v2 right? 


It worked before submission on all test devices and it is a separate ID to the Android ID. 

Yes, it is AdMOB-v2.

When you hook the device up to your mac and run xcode, can you see any errors or warnings in the console output?  Specifically warnings about ‘no content’ or ‘inventory’ available.

I have just hooked it up to the Corona Simulator and there are two messages: 

WARNING: The ‘ads’ provider (admob) is not available on the simulator

WARNING: The ‘ads’ library is not available on this platform.


This appeared too while testing on the simulator but worked when tested on an actual IOS device. 

Sorry, I meant:

  1. Install your released app on an iOS device.

  2. Plug it into your mac.

  3. Run the app

  4. Look in the xCode console to see what is happening.