Admob problem

Hello. I recently tried to implement admob for my app. A couple of weeks ago, when i tested it, everything worked fine and tidy, but now i have a pretty big problem. I attached a screenshot, but basically, when the banner shows up, the whole rest of the screen becomes black. i can still use touch events, but i cant see anything. since i didn’t have this issue before, i guess it has to do with the new admob website update. is there a workaround? thank you

EDIT: the example code has the same issue, so it could also be a problem in my admob ad configuration and not a corona’s issue. can anyone confirm this?

another question about admob: after the update, i don’t have the app id anymore, i only have the ad id. should i use it in the same way i used it before?

What platform are you on (Windows or iOS)

What device are you building for?

Are you using an interstitial ad or a banner ad?

When did this change happen?



windows 7,  android (galaxy s2, 4.3.0) banner. last time i tried it and it worked it was like a month ago, before the admob update.

also, in the corona code, when i need to insert the app id, should i insert the whole alphanumeric code number (called ad id on the admob website) or just the first numeric part (which i think is the actuall app id)?

I don’t use AdMob, so I’m not sure about your AppID question.  Let me poke the engineers on this.  They might have a better answer.


im doing some test right now, and:

  1. copying and pasting the whole ad id into the app id seems to work fine, but im not sure if the impressions are counted on the admob website or not

  2. that black screen problem happens only on 4.3.0. on older androids it works fine

is there a way to check the current android version?

EDIT: after some testing, i noticed that that black screen vanishes after i turn off and turn on the screen. so i guess this is gonna be a work around for now.  also, since this happens only on 4.3.0. (i have a cm10.2 nightly), i guess it wont be fixed anytime soon, or more probably its an OS-side problem.

EDIT 2: I can confirm that you just have to copy paste that alphanumeric “ad id” from the admob website to the “app id” in your code. the impressions and clicks are counted on the website.

I’m new to the installation of banners, banners admob tried to install but they did not show all on intsruktsii added to change lanes build.settings and put banner, it is necessary Is a project to add more files. Prompt, sample instructions on the page is not very clear

another question about admob: after the update, i don’t have the app id anymore, i only have the ad id. should i use it in the same way i used it before?

What platform are you on (Windows or iOS)

What device are you building for?

Are you using an interstitial ad or a banner ad?

When did this change happen?



windows 7,  android (galaxy s2, 4.3.0) banner. last time i tried it and it worked it was like a month ago, before the admob update.

also, in the corona code, when i need to insert the app id, should i insert the whole alphanumeric code number (called ad id on the admob website) or just the first numeric part (which i think is the actuall app id)?

I don’t use AdMob, so I’m not sure about your AppID question.  Let me poke the engineers on this.  They might have a better answer.


im doing some test right now, and:

  1. copying and pasting the whole ad id into the app id seems to work fine, but im not sure if the impressions are counted on the admob website or not

  2. that black screen problem happens only on 4.3.0. on older androids it works fine

is there a way to check the current android version?

EDIT: after some testing, i noticed that that black screen vanishes after i turn off and turn on the screen. so i guess this is gonna be a work around for now.  also, since this happens only on 4.3.0. (i have a cm10.2 nightly), i guess it wont be fixed anytime soon, or more probably its an OS-side problem.

EDIT 2: I can confirm that you just have to copy paste that alphanumeric “ad id” from the admob website to the “app id” in your code. the impressions and clicks are counted on the website.

I’m new to the installation of banners, banners admob tried to install but they did not show all on intsruktsii added to change lanes build.settings and put banner, it is necessary Is a project to add more files. Prompt, sample instructions on the page is not very clear


What do you mean “turn on & turn off the screen”?

My Android users (no iOS) are reporting that they are seeing black screen in my app, and I am wondering admob causes this too. I cannot reproduce it, but there are many users are reporting this to me.

Can you post your build.settings and your ad.init and code?

My build.settings code:

settings = { orientation = { default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", "portraitUpsideDown" }, }, iphone = { plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = true, UIPrerenderedIcon = true, CFBundleIconFiles = { "Icon.png", "Icon@2x.png", "Icon-Small-40.png", "Icon-Small-40@2x.png", "Icon-60.png", "Icon-60@2x.png", "Icon-72.png", "Icon-72@2x.png", "Icon-76.png", "Icon-76@2x.png", "Icon-Small-50.png", "Icon-Small-50@2x.png", "Icon-Small.png", "Icon-Small@2x.png", }, CFBundleDisplayName = "MyApp", } }, android = { versionCode = "1882", usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_FINE\_LOCATION", "android.permission.ACCESS\_COARSE\_LOCATION", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE", "android.permission.READ\_PHONE\_STATE", "android.permission.WRITE\_EXTERNAL\_STORAGE", }, usesFeatures = { { name = "android.hardware.location", required = false }, { name = "android.hardware.location.gps", required = false }, { name = "", required = false }, }, }, plugins = { [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true }, }, [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", -- supportedPlatforms = { android = true }, }, ["facebook"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true }, }, }, }

My ad.init() & code

local ads = require "ads" local mAdmobId\_iPhone = "xxxx" local mAdmobId\_iPad = "yyyy" local mAdmobId\_Android = "zzzz" local function adMobListener( event ) if (event == nil) then return end print("adMobListener =\> event.provider = ", event.provider) print("adMobListener =\> event.isError = ", event.isError) print("adMobListener =\> event.type = ", event.type) print("adMobListener =\> event.response = ", event.response) if (event.isError == true) then else end end if (tools.isApple() == true) then if (tools.isApplePad() == false) then ads.init( "admob", mAdmobId\_iPhone, adMobListener ) else ads.init( "admob", mAdmobId\_iPad, adMobListener ) end else ads.init( "admob", mAdmobId\_Android, adMobListener ) end ads:setCurrentProvider("admob") function M.hideBottomAd() print("hideBottomAd -\> trying to hide ad") ads.hide() end function M.showBottomAd() print("trying to show admob...")"banner", {x=leftX, y=bottomY +10000}) return true end

I think I am not doing anything fancy for showing the adMob ad.

For certain devices/Android version, adMob would cause the blank screen, but not every time, about 30% of the time.

I saw someone saying the same problem here:


When the ad has “multi-frames”, the screen will go black for certain devices/Android version.


And someone offers a solution by adding this line of code in Android native code:

adView.setLayerType(View.LAYER\_TYPE\_SOFTWARE, null);

Do you think it is the same case here?


Or any suggestion to avoid the black screen? 

Can you go ahead and file a bug report?



Never mind, a bug report as been filed:   32594  

In this thread:
