AdMob Questions

Hi I have recently purchased the AdMob plugin and have a few questions.  All testing im doing is on android device (galaxy s7 edge)

I have tried to receive a reward video in test mode and production mode without ever being able to get an ad.  I undedrstand from the API I will not receive ad if in test mode.  Might be fill problem as I am located in Israel, its not a problem with the code as if I use an adunit id of a google made test account “ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917” then it sometimes works?  How do I have such inconsistency on something that should be 100% fill rate?  Why cant I ever get a video when using my personal ad unit id?  I am using a live build app, could that be it?  Or maybe because im still using the default keystore from Corona?  

I understand to help you will need some error reports which leads to question of I cannot figure out how to implement or where to implement “adsRequest”.  I need this to work so I can see more info on why my videos are failing and more importantly to make sure reward video was successful before rewarding ie use the “reward” callback.  I cant find any example code anywhere using “adsRequest”

I am citizen of USA and Israel which leads me to the questions of as a developer should I release everything as an American?  WIll this make any difference?  Of course it will with taxes etc… but will being developer from Israel give me less ads to people or when I go to publish block me from publishing to certain countries?  As of now all my dev accounts are Israel based as thats where I actually live and didnt think that country as developer mattered.

I know its a lot of questions but any help or advice on this is greatly appreciated.

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This seems to be a duplicate of this post:

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