AdMob Rewarded Interstitial

Just curious to know if you’ve had any success with AdMob Rewarded Interstitials?

It’s documented here: Solar2D Documentation — Plugins | AdMob | load

There is a reference in the documentation to “rewardedInterstitial” in the adType. Does this feature work on iOS and does it outperform the familiar (opt-in) “rewardedVideo” adType?

Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Both ‘rewardedInterstitial’ and ‘rewardedVideo’ work on both platforms (Android and iOS), but they are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes as ad formats.

And yes, I have successfully used ‘rewardedInterstitial’ for its intended purpose.

Thanks for posting aclementerodrguez. I haven’t updated my app since early 2022 and I’m going through the usual hops, skips and jumps. I’ll give the rewarded interstitial video a try and see how it goes. :slight_smile:

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One thing to note is that if you support/intend to support in future an Android TV, the adMob rewarded interstitial ads seem not to work. I would suspect the same issue is with Apple TV.