I’ve noticed a high amount of failed ads showing up in my analytics. After investigating further I found that almost all the failed ads are coming from admob rewarded videos. Here is what the ad listener returns:
-------------------------------------------------- -- admob AD LISTENER -------------------------------------------------- table: 0xc75cb780 { [type] =\> "rewardedVideo" [name] =\> "adsRequest" [provider] =\> "admob" [phase] =\> "failed" [isError] =\> false [data] =\> "{"errorMsg":"Internal Error","errorCode":0,"adUnitId":"ca-app-pub-XXXXX\/XXXXX"}" [response] =\> "loadFailed" } -------------------------------------------------- -- END admob AD LISTENER --------------------------------------------------
Anyone else seeing this or have any ideas what might cause it? This error is getting thrown when I’m trying to cache the video shortly after receive the init call. It doesn’t do it everytime, but it does do it well over 50% of the time.