i have a direct question about admob
is admob available to implement on Corona SDK??
if yes how can i find a step by step tutorial??
i have a direct question about admob
is admob available to implement on Corona SDK??
if yes how can i find a step by step tutorial??
i did same as following structure but the app does not run
can i attache the main.lua file to have a look?
I’ve asked Engineering for an answer but it is the weekend and I wouldn’t expect an answer from Engineering until the work week starts.
It doesn’t run at all or you are not seeing the ads?
This is from a recent game:
local ads = require( "ads" ) local function adListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then print("Error: "..event.response) end end ads.init( "admob", CG.bannerPlacementId, adListener ) ads.load( "interstitial", { appId=CG.interstatialPlacementId, testMode=false } ) CG.showAdMobbAd = function() local targetingParams = { tagForChildDirectedTreatment = true } ads.show( "banner", { x=0, y=display.contentHeight - 44, targetingOptions=targetingParams, appId=CG.bannerPlacementId } ) end CG.showInterstatial = function() if ads.isLoaded( "interstitial" ) then ads.show( "interstitial", { x=0, y=0, appId=CG.interstatialPlacementId } ) end end CG.loadInterstatial = function() if not ads.isLoaded( "interstitial" ) then ads.load( "interstitial", { appId=CG.interstatialPlacementId, testMode=false } ) end end
Engineering thinks iOS is at 4.3 and Android is at 4.1.
Any chance they will be updated?
There is always a chance. Feedback entries with votes will help sell the cause. There are other issues than just updating things. Many other plugins depend on the Google Play Services library and we can’t just go throw a new one in it’s place.
We would like to use it as well. +3 votes from us.
As a general rule we would really appreciate if Corona can keep better pace with android SDK development as it does with iOS. Google SDK shows good progress and promosing new features (such as in app promos) in its latest releases and we would also receive much better treatment by google itself if we use its latest SDK.
That would be great for everyone so I just started a request on feedback.coronalabs. You can vote here -> http://feedback.coronalabs.com/forums/188732-corona-sdk-feature-requests-feedback/suggestions/12945099-admob-plugin-update
Can you provide more context as to what you’re looking for. I had another poster saying we need to date to support mediation, the way you have it listed it like you don’t want mediation.
I’m referring to this announcement -> https://admob.googleblog.com/2016/02/sdk-less-mediation.html
It would be great if AdMob plugin gets updated to support this feature.
Mediation is one thing. There are many updates with the new SDK which I’d like to use. For example the ability to use Google play services for iOS, using in app promotions and more.
Hi All.
I feel like that sdk-less mediation and adMob mediation are the same thing, so i’m posting here. Correct me if i’m wrong, I don’t want to hi-jack threads.
I’m jumping here after discovering hot water: My App got some downloads in china and i saw that admob does not show ads there. No ads, no clicks, no revenues. A huge unreachable market.
As far as I know none of the ad networks available in Corona does work in China.
AdMob mediation will be a perfect solution as they’re partner with a big chinese ad provider, domob.
Corona Team: please add admob mediation support and anyone of us will be immediately able to target hundreds of millions of users.
sounds like a good chance to me
I just gave my votes to the feature request. Add yours too.
Thank you
I have looked at this before.
sdk-less mediation is only for only a handful of ad providers. When you are working outside corona you don’t have to do anything. Just integrate the admob sdk and you can add/remove those providers from the admob control panel. Corona could probably support this by just updating the plugin to the latest version.
For most of the mediation that you can do in Admob you need both the SDK of the adnetwork and the admob adapter. So for one app outside of corona where I am using Admob mediation for flurry appspot, I have the flurry adapter, the flurry ads sdk and the admob sdk integrated into the app. In my opinion (worth about a penny), i don’t know how Corona would ever by able to solution this type of mediation unless they invest significantly on some sort of control panel that at build time you can include random plugins and their adapters.
In any case as I write this on one of my non-corona apps I am using sdk-less. These are all the partners I see in my control panel:
Aarki (terrible support for me).
MdotM (haven’t gotten an impression yet that is higher than admob but I see the requests)
Drawbridge (haven’t tried it)
Smaato (very painful because the eCPM is not dynamically evaluated).
Notice that I didn’t mention domob. It is currently not listed as an sdk-less provider. It is listed under the normal sdk + adapter provider.
Thank you for sharing your admob mediation experience agramonte
Here is another new feature for AdMob - Native Ads
I think it is time for Corona to update the most widely used ad network to the current version.
Guess not asking to much.
Thank you!
Bumping this up so that the engineering team can get notice for this.
I guess they’ll be waiting for the feedback page to get more votes and recommend alternative networks.