AdMob SDK-less mediation

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i have a direct question about admob

is admob available to implement on Corona SDK??

if yes how can i find a step by step tutorial?? 



i did same as following structure but the app does not run

can i attache the main.lua file to have a look?

It doesn’t run at all or you are not seeing the ads?

This is from a recent game:

local ads = require( "ads" ) local function adListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then print("Error: "..event.response) end end ads.init( "admob", CG.bannerPlacementId, adListener ) ads.load( "interstitial", { appId=CG.interstatialPlacementId, testMode=false } ) CG.showAdMobbAd = function() local targetingParams = { tagForChildDirectedTreatment = true } "banner", { x=0, y=display.contentHeight - 44, targetingOptions=targetingParams, appId=CG.bannerPlacementId } ) end CG.showInterstatial = function() if ads.isLoaded( "interstitial" ) then "interstitial", { x=0, y=0, appId=CG.interstatialPlacementId } ) end end CG.loadInterstatial = function() if not ads.isLoaded( "interstitial" ) then ads.load( "interstitial", { appId=CG.interstatialPlacementId, testMode=false } ) end end