Admob update... any hints?

I have to update my game which mainly is monetizing through admob ads. I haven’t updated for 2 years and now wonder what is required (Android and later iOS) for best admob results. Is there a tutorial which shows all the new requirements or a documentation?

Any help and hints welcome.

I don’t know of any tutorials, but google sends me a lot of updates regarding requirements about APP_ID, GDPR, COPPA, etc. I don’t have anything in the apple store yet, so i’m not sure, but I imagine the requirements are the same or similar.
There is a plugin for IOS to ask for permissions from the user. Not sure if there is one for android. Solar2D Documentation — Plugins | App Tracking Transparency

Also note that google no longer allows you to use location services (Coarse or fine location) if the only reason for using it is for advertising.