AdMob v2 dosent hide ads on some device

I got some feedback from user saying my ads appear during game play . I have tested my app on 4 devices and after scene with ads will be hide by calling ads.hide() and when I test seem to work . One of the user was using LG G3 With Up To Date KitKat . The ads mostly apper after user win and when press next level the ads should hide wich is what happen on all my device . Below is my code

local ads = require( “ads” )

ads.init( “admob”, “ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxx”, adListener ) – only called once at first scene “banner”, { x=0, y=0 } )

after win  local ads = require( “ads” ) “banner”, { x=0, y=0 } )

and I call ads.hide() after exit every scene that has ads.

I redid the code and put 

ads = require( “ads” ) 

ads.init( “admob”, “ca-app-pub-ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxx”, adListener ) 

in the main.lua and remove ads on my intro page hoping to fix this but need advice on how to get some people to test the app . With the new change their a bit lag at one scene and some time ads dont show but Im just hoping they dont show ingame . Also their should not be any ads during level select.

App Link

any feedback will be sincerely appreciated :slight_smile:

So I just check my email and got feedback from the user . So i change the ads code again where when ingame it will call

local ads = require( “ads” )

ads.hide()  – hoping it will hide any ads if for some reason are not removed by previous scene

witch i am hoping will fix the problem but again i have no way to recreate the error so need any help  :) . Also hoping it doesn’t mess with anything else :slight_smile: .

So I just check my email and got feedback from the user . So i change the ads code again where when ingame it will call

local ads = require( “ads” )

ads.hide()  – hoping it will hide any ads if for some reason are not removed by previous scene

witch i am hoping will fix the problem but again i have no way to recreate the error so need any help  :) . Also hoping it doesn’t mess with anything else :slight_smile: .