Admob V2 with Enterprise

What do I need to include in my project (for iOS and Android) to use Admob V2 with Enterprise?

I can’t find any specific plugins for this in the Enterprise plugins folder.

I tried using the Google Play Services jar from my ~/Android/extras folder, but no joy…

They’ll be added in the enterprise plugins in the next daily build.

As Tony says: Grrrrrreat!  :lol:

Downloaded 2280 and found the updated plugins.


However the Corona library for Android should be renamed to something more appropriate than just “classes.jar” (maybe “”). Currently it clashes with the Google Licensing library “classes.jar” (which by the way should also be renamed to something like “”).

We shouldn’t have to rename libraries before putting them in our projects.

I tried using the Google Play Services jar from my ~/Android/extras folder, but no joy…

They’ll be added in the enterprise plugins in the next daily build.

As Tony says: Grrrrrreat!  :lol:

Downloaded 2280 and found the updated plugins.


However the Corona library for Android should be renamed to something more appropriate than just “classes.jar” (maybe “”). Currently it clashes with the Google Licensing library “classes.jar” (which by the way should also be renamed to something like “”).

We shouldn’t have to rename libraries before putting them in our projects.

This sounds like a good idea. I am new to enterprise and everything is still a bit fuzzy but having specific names on files would be much better than a generic name like “classes.jar” :slight_smile: It looks like this still hasn’t changed.


Perhaps you can help me with a question about adding admob-v2 into my android build. I noticed in the plugin directory it contains a metadata.lua file. Do I need to do anything with this file? I opened it and see that it has the following:

local metadata = { plugin = { format = 'jar', manifest = { permissions = {}, usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE", }, usesFeatures = {}, applicationChildElements = { -- Array of strings [[\<activity android:name="" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"/\>]], [[\<meta-data android:name="" android:value="4242000" /\>]], }, }, }, } return metadata

Do I have to add those applicationChildElements inside my AndroidManifest.xml file somewhere?

The metadata.lua file contains information about minimum requirements / entries that should be in your AndroidManifest.xml.

For “normal” Corona Simulator builds, these entries are automatically created for you, but as an Enterprise user you should always look at this file for every plugin you use and add the entries manually.

In this file you can see you need to add two permissions, one activity and one meta-data entry. Remember to put the activity and meta-data entries inside the application tag.

Ah okay that makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to reply to me :slight_smile:

This sounds like a good idea. I am new to enterprise and everything is still a bit fuzzy but having specific names on files would be much better than a generic name like “classes.jar” :slight_smile: It looks like this still hasn’t changed.


Perhaps you can help me with a question about adding admob-v2 into my android build. I noticed in the plugin directory it contains a metadata.lua file. Do I need to do anything with this file? I opened it and see that it has the following:

local metadata = { plugin = { format = 'jar', manifest = { permissions = {}, usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE", }, usesFeatures = {}, applicationChildElements = { -- Array of strings [[\<activity android:name="" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"/\>]], [[\<meta-data android:name="" android:value="4242000" /\>]], }, }, }, } return metadata

Do I have to add those applicationChildElements inside my AndroidManifest.xml file somewhere?

The metadata.lua file contains information about minimum requirements / entries that should be in your AndroidManifest.xml.

For “normal” Corona Simulator builds, these entries are automatically created for you, but as an Enterprise user you should always look at this file for every plugin you use and add the entries manually.

In this file you can see you need to add two permissions, one activity and one meta-data entry. Remember to put the activity and meta-data entries inside the application tag.

Ah okay that makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to reply to me :slight_smile: