[adMob] Which App ID do I have to insert?

Hi you all, in my app, I’ve embedded a Banner and an Interstitial using adMob. The first one is called (let’s say) ca-app-pub-100, while the second one is called ca-app-pub-200.

Now, I show them using

local ads\_var = math.random(0,1) if (ads\_var==0)then ads.show( "interstitial", { x=\_W/2, y=\_H/2, appId="ca-app-pub-200" } ) else ads.show( "banner", { x=0, y=\_H/2-160, appId="ca-app-pub-100" } ) end

but what do I have to insert as app ID in the ads.init() function below?

local function adListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then end end ads.init( "admob", "?????????????????", adListener )


You can init with either.

Ok thanks!

You can init with either.

Ok thanks!