admob with banner and interstitial at the same time problem?

i want to have banner and interstitial in one app

my code:

local ads = require “ads”
local admob=require “ads”

ads.init( “admob”, “ca-app-pub-1979785544968924/78772”, adListener )

admob.init( “admob”, “ca-app-pub-1979785544968924/21165”, adListener ) “interstitial”, { x=0, y=0 } ) “banner”, { x=0, y=0 } )

it only show interstitial ads,the banner mode didn’t show

what is my wrong with my code,thanks

I am pretty sure you can only show one at a time, not both on the same screen.

You also have to include the appId in the options { x=0, y=0, appId = yourappid } the interstitial id when you show interstitial and the banner one when you show a banner. 

@bangerlm is correct.  You only need to require the ads module once, include the admob plugin in your build.settings.  When you call on of the parameters is the AdMobID of the type of ad you want to show.

You can only have one ad on the screen at at time.


I am pretty sure you can only show one at a time, not both on the same screen.

You also have to include the appId in the options { x=0, y=0, appId = yourappid } the interstitial id when you show interstitial and the banner one when you show a banner. 

@bangerlm is correct.  You only need to require the ads module once, include the admob plugin in your build.settings.  When you call on of the parameters is the AdMobID of the type of ad you want to show.

You can only have one ad on the screen at at time.
