My app supports only portrait orientation, the status bar is always hidden and my app does not support immersive mode.
I don’t understand what you mean about “sending wrong-sized screen or returning wrong-sized ad”.
When I print the display.contentHeight in the response where I get the value of the banner, the result is always 480.
By the way I found another little problem. I did a screenshot of my app :
As you can see, there is a little space where we can see the rest of my game between the banner and the bottom of the screen, yet the banner height is still 44.41
This banner was displayed at the start of my app using the code below: “banner”, { x=display.screenOriginX, y=100000, appId=bannerAppID } )
It looks like even the trick to put banner at the bottom of an app is not working properly either.
For info, it was the first banner displayed when I did my test and then after an auto refresh, I got a new banner with no problem. Height value ? Still 44.41
Then after another refresh I got the same banner but with a wrong ads.height() as you can see with position the green circles (29.61 instead of 44.41 which is my original problem):
For info, greenCircle.y = display.screenOriginY + display.contentHeight + math.abs(display.screenOriginY) * 2 - ads.height() - greenCircle.height/2
I definitely think something must be amiss in how ads.height() calcluates its return… which leads to 2 display problems
Putting ads in a game is the kind of thing that make my users angry, but they will definitly kill me if it causes display bug!