
I would expect you would get a “No Fill” message if there were no ads available though.

I’ve not seen the email come in yet, but I’ll go poke around and see if I can find it.


Maybe I should delete these Ad Unit ID’s and make new Ad Unit ID’s?  I made them around 2 months ago and never made a call to them until around a week ago so maybe this is a problem?

I don’t know if that will work or not, you could certainly add a new rewarded ad unit and give that a try.

Tried with new one, same problem, I started to ask around in the admob forum but no one answers this forum and there is no one to ask at admob.  Was just thinking that maybe the problem is that child safe is set to true?  Any ideas on how I should move with this?  Not sure what to do other then hope it will work when I release.

So with child safe setting deleted im still getting the same error.  You saw my code and pic of app ID’s so we know its not that im putting this in wrong.

Im guessing that the error message is spelling the ad unit with “//” in the middle and “/” at the end for parsing purposes?  If not then its obvious the reason is because Corona is adding “\” and “” but I saw it did that with my test ads too so really dont think its this.  Also why is “isError” false if there is an error?

08-21 13:53:04.971  2280  2318 I Corona  :   “data”:"{“errorMsg”:“Internal Error”,“errorCode”:0,“adUnitId”:“ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXX\/XXXXXXX”}",

08-21 13:53:04.971  2280  2318 I Corona  :   “name”:“adsRequest”,

08-21 13:53:04.971  2280  2318 I Corona  :   “phase”:“failed”,

08-21 13:53:04.971  2280  2318 I Corona  :   “provider”:“admob”,

08-21 13:53:04.971  2280  2318 I Corona  :   “response”:“loadFailed”,

08-21 13:53:04.971  2280  2318 I Corona  :   “type”:“rewardedVideo”,

08-21 13:53:04.971  2280  2318 I Corona  :   “isError”:false

08-21 13:53:04.971  2280  2318 I Corona  : }

Found it…  I feel pretty bad about this one but apparently at my home screen which i was never going to it said:

 “your ad units arent serving ads because your payment information is missing…”

This was not the case at first.  I talked with someone at Google (not admob but G-suite) to try and change my payment profile to my American one as that option was greyed out and he said he would get back to me but he must have raised the option for me to change this as after i clicked this box to add payment info it allowed me to choose the American payment profile and my Israeli one was already chosen and greyed out.  I have now submitted this and they say in 24 hours they will update and then im pretty sure I will be good!!!

I really appreciate all the help, I was a bit nervace and didn’t think I would have any support but in the end you guys came through really fast, professionally and with educated answers!

If I may, one last really easy question, which one of these is this coded correctly for childsafe=true, Im pretty sure the first one right?

admob.load( “interstitial”, { adUnitId=“ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX”, childSafe=true } )


admob.load( “interstitial”, { adUnitId=“ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX”, {childSafe=true }} )

The first one is correct.
