Corona Marketplace

Corona Premium Plugins Discussion about Corona-built plugins like iTunes, Pasteboard, AddressBook, etc. Amazon GameCircle Discussion around the Amazon GameCircle plugin. Tap for Tap Cross-promotion and monetization network for iOS and Android apps. SponsorPay Value exchange advertising platform. Carrot Post your users’ stories to Facebook’s Open Graph. Appnext Mobile ad network. PlayHaven Tools for acquisition, engagement and monetization. Together Cloud-based multiplayer games platform. AdBuddiz PinsightMedia+ Mobile ad network. Marketplace Assets A forum to discuss various assets published to the Marketplace. InMobi Please post your support questions for InMobi in this forum. Perk Discussion and support for the Perk plugin. Ouya Discussion around the OUYA plugin. Chartboost (Third-party) Discussion around the Chartboost plugin (not supported). Facebook v4 Facebook-v4 support forum. Fortumo In-app purchases for Android and NOOK devices. Corona Ads Discussion and support for Corona Ads. FusePowered Posts about FusePowered inneractive Ad exchange with access to 100+ ad networks and providers. Appodeal Discussions about the Appodeal plugin OneSignal Forum to discuss OneSignal. GameAnalytics Free analytics for mobile games. Marketplace Announcements A place to announce new things and happening in the Marketplace. Corona Community Plugins Support and discussion for plugins in the Corona Store.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 474 March 10, 2020
0 45 July 25, 2024
37 1618 July 17, 2024
0 145 June 27, 2024
4 228 May 28, 2024
0 209 May 15, 2024
5 244 May 3, 2024
10 962 April 27, 2024
4 423 March 29, 2024
5 269 March 20, 2024
94 3234 March 1, 2024
1 428 February 26, 2024
3 362 January 29, 2024
25 1965 January 8, 2024
329 36417 December 4, 2023
9 617 December 3, 2023
5 344 May 29, 2024
4 503 November 27, 2023
110 9343 October 24, 2023
2 401 April 8, 2024
30 1448 October 2, 2023
13 582 September 29, 2023
1 294 February 12, 2024
3 313 August 7, 2023
13 5538 June 22, 2023
0 350 June 6, 2023
4 458 June 6, 2023
0 334 May 3, 2023
2 396 April 20, 2023
17 725 April 10, 2023