Google Analytics GoolgeService-Info.plist not found


I am building for iOS device. If I make a live build I get the error that the GoolgeService-Info.plist file is not found, but works fine without a live build. Is there any way to have the google analytics service working with the live build?

Thank you.

The error you are seeing indicates that the GoogleService-Info.plist file is not being found during the live build process. This file is essential for configuring Google services like Firebase or Google Analytics in your iOS app.

Yes, thank you. I have the GoolgeService-Info.plist file in the root directory, if I build iOS app without enabling live build, it works just fine, I can trace the analytics metrics from the firebase console. But if I turn on “live build” during building the iOS app, then it gives me the error that the file is not found.

I have tried livebuild on ios but it doesn’t worked when it passed through testflight ? How did you configure it with your file ?

I haven’t tried with testflight but just with my own phone. The way it says about the configuration in the documentation works for me as long as I don’t select “live build” during building.