I just signed up for Admob and have my app ready. I’m confused on implementing it in my app with Corona. I looked at the documentation and settled with the fact that the following is required…
settings = { plugins = { -- key is the name passed to Lua's 'require()' ["CoronaProvider.ads.admob"] = { -- required publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, }, }
1st question, if I can’t build with my own publisher ID (I get an error), how will I get paid?
local ads = require "ads" ads.init( "admob", appID, adListener )
appID - I don’t see an appID on AdMob, so is that just your normal com.app.sig?
I’m just really confused, it seems like Corona would get my ad revenue if I can’t build the package AdMob had me download. Any clarification on that, and implementing it in my app would be awesome.