I’ve used Vungle before and I’ve successfully built in Vungle ads. However, after using the latest public build, the ads.isAdAvailable() is no longer working. Anyone else run into this issue?
Here’s the doc site - http://docs.coronalabs.com/daily/plugin/vungle/isAdAvailable.html - and the code.
-- name of the Vungle 'ads' provider local provider = "vungle" -- replace with your own Vungle application ID local appId = "vungleTest" -- load Corona 'ads' library local ads = require "ads" -- initialize the 'ads' library using Vungle as the provider and without the optional 3rd parameter 'listener' ads.init( provider, appId ) -- if a cached video ad is available for display if ads.isAdAvailable() then -- show the ad (without the optional 2nd 'params' table) ads.show( "interstitial" ) end